University of Arusha ARU Admission Letter for 2016 / 2017
Below is a list of ARU Selected Candidates / Applicants for the 2016 / 2017 Academic Year
School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
- Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (B.Sc. URP)
- Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning (B. Sc. HIP)
- Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning (B.Sc. RDP)
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics (B.A. Economics)
- Bachelor of Arts in Community and Development Studies (B.A. CDS)
School of Architecture and Design (SADE)
- Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch)
- Bachelor of Architecture in Landscape Architecture (B. Arch. LA)
- Bachelor of Architecture in Interior Design (B. Arch. ID)
School of Construction Economics and Management (SCEM)
- Bachelor of Science in Building Economics (B.Sc. BE)
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (B. Sc. CE)
School of Environment Science and Technology (SEST)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (B.Sc. EE)
- Bachelor of Science in Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering (B.Sc. MISE)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management (B.Sc. ESM)
School of Geospatial Sciences and Technology (SGST)
- Bachelor of Science in Geomatics (B. Sc. Gm)
- Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics (B.Sc. Gi)
- Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management (B.Sc. ISM)
School of Real Estates Studies (SRES)