University of Arusha Examination Types

University of Arusha Examination Types

University Mature Age Examinations

University Mature age examinations will be taken in July every year. However, it canalso be taken at any time upon request, provided the Senate approves it. A candidate planning to enter UoA through the University Mature age Examinations route must sit and pass the Examinations before he or she can be admitted into the Pre-University or University programs as the case may be. A registered student shall NOT take Mature age examinations.

Supplementary Examinations

Supplementary examinations shall be taken as scheduled, at least one month after final examinations on the following conditions: A student scored a D grade in that course for which examination is sought. Previous coursework will not be considered and ONLY the supplementary examination will determine the grade earned. The grade earned in the first exam remains on the student’s permanent record, but in computing the cumulative GPA, the grade earned on the supplementary exam will be used. Therefore, the grade earned on the second attempt will become permanent on the student’s record. A student who will not sit for supplementary examination, which he or she is supposed to; the previous grade earned will become permanent and he or she will be required to repeat the course failed. Student who fails the supplementary examination will be required to repeat the failed course provided his or her GPA allows.

Special Examinations

Special examination shall be for students who attend the whole course and did all the coursework, but they later become unable to sit for the final examination as scheduled. This may be justified by reasons such as sickness, Serious social problems each case to be considered on its own merit and severesponsorship problem. Special examinations shall be administered under the following conditions:

  • Coursework accumulated will be considered and the examination shall be in the place of final examinations.
  • All procedures were done on time and approved to justify the postponement of final examinations according to the University examination regulations.
  • Special examinations shall be taken together with Supplementary examinations.
  • No Special Examination shall be taken after the Supplementary Examinations session for the semester succeeding the semester in respect of which the Special Examination is required.
  • If special examination is not taken on time, an `F’ will be assigned to that course by the office of the Registrar and the student will be required to repeat the course. No examination fee will be required. A student who fails special examination is eligible for supplementary examination.

Challenge Examinations

A challenge examination is especially designed examination in a subject area for those students who wish to challenge certain introductory courses to which they have been exposed at acceptable level. A challenge examination will not be given for a failed or repeated course. The Instructor, Chairperson, Dean of the School and the office of the First Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic are involved in the examination preparation and administration. The scripts must be examined by at least two instructors appointed by the Dean of the Faculty or School.

No grade of less than a B will be accepted to grant the credits applied for, and no more than 10 credits shall be earned through challenge examination. The Senate or the Senate examination Committee must approve applications for Challenge Examinations. The procedure for requesting a challenge examination is as follows:

  1. Check with the Department Chairperson to see if you are qualified to do the challenge examination.
  2. Obtain a Challenge examination form from the office of the Registrar.
  3. Complete the form with all the signatures in the order they appear.
  4. Return the completed form with all the required signatures to the office of the Registrar.
  5. The Registrar will present the request to the Senate or any committee appointed by the senate on that behalf for consideration.
  6. A letter of approval or denial will be sent to the student with copies to the Department Chairperson, the Department where the examination will be written, the Dean of Faculty or School, the First Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, the Registrar of Admissions and Records.
  7. If approved, the student will proceed to pay the challenge examination fee, which is two thirds of the tuition for the course. This money must be fully paid before the exam is administered.
  8. The examination will be administered and the Department Chairperson will send the grade filled in the appropriate forms to the Registrar’s Office.
  9. The Challenge Examination grade must be presented to the Senate or any committee appointed by the Senate on that behalf for approval before it is entered onto the student’s permanent record.

Conditions: A student will be allowed to do a Challenge Examination for the course if it is a General Education Requirements but NO Challenge Examination should be allowed for Core, Cognates, Minor or Major Courses. A student must submit a document evidencing that he or she acquired knowledge in a formal post secondary college and scored a grade not less than B to be allowed to challenge. Students must do all challenge Examinations during their first year of study in the University.

University of Arusha Registration

University of Arusha International Students Admissions

University of Arusha Fees Structure

University of Arusha Admission Requirements

University of Arusha Admission Regulations

University of Arusha Application Procedure

University of Arusha Application Forms

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University of Arusha Grading System

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