University of Arusha UOA Joining Instructions 2016 / 2017

University of Arusha UOA Joining Instructions 2016 / 2017

Joining Instruction for Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree Students


Reporting Date: All new students are expected to report at UoA Main Campus on Monday, 10 October 2016 for student orientation. The orientation will be held at UoA Lecture Theater at 8:00 a.m. Attendance will be checked so please plan to be there. For more information you may contact the admission officer, Mr. Philip Mshana, at 065 280 9896 or 078 954 2818.

Admission and Registration: Registration starts on 10 October 2016. In order to complete the admission process, we request you to come along with the following required original documents to the Office of the Registrar:

1.Original O-Level, A-Level, Grade IIIA or its equivalent certificates

2.Original birth certificate

3.Valid passport if you come from outside of Tanzania

Impersonation and/or falsification of documents will lead to cancellation of admission whenever discovered.

Fee Structure and Payments: Please see enclosed fee structures for certificate, diploma and bachelor’s degree programs. All payments should be deposited to University of Arusha accounts at CRDB Usa River Branch (Account No. 01J1098742000) or NBC Arusha Town Branch (Account No. 014103004358). Original bank slips should be presented to University Cashier before students could register for classes. An initial deposit of at least 60% of the total fees indicated in the first semester of fee structure should be deposited upon registration. Examination permits are issued only to students who have paid their fees in full. For other enquiries regarding fees and financial issues, you may contact Mr. Pius Mataba at 078 463 5203. For enquiries regarding HESLB please contact Mr. Samson Ndaturo at 075 686 7395.

Classes: Classes will begin on 24 October 2016. New students have the option to choose whether to attend classes at UoA Main Campus in Usa River or at UoA’s Learning Facility in Arusha City located at Mega Complex Building (above NBC Bank) along the corners of Bondeni and Livingstone Streets.

Accommodation: For those attending UoA Main Campus, all new students are encouraged to stay at our all-female and all-male hostels inside the University. The cost is Tsh. 140,000 per semester and mattress is provided. Please call the DVC-PAF, Dr. Simon Arego, at 076 420 7384 for reservation and booking information. For those attending UoA Arusha City Learning Facility, please be the one responsible to look for your accommodation around Arusha City.

Transfer and Directions to UoA Main Campus: Our Main Campus is located at Ngongongare Village in Usa River. By public transport, notify the bus conductor that you’ll be going down at Usa River Market. From Usa River Market, you may take dala-dala (for Tsh.500) or taxi (Tsh.5000) to UoA Main Campus. For more information on transportation and directions, you may call Mr. Mzee Mkuya at 076 577 5272.

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