University of Dar Es Salaam Computing Centre Mbezi Beach Branch

University of Dar Es Salaam Computing Centre Mbezi Beach Branch

UCC Mbezi Beach Branch

If you live in or around Mbezi Beach area in Dar es Salaam, you dont have to commute a long distance to pursue a world class ICT training. UCC Mbezi Beach branch offers more than 16 courses at various levels from introductory to professional certification. Additionally, there are four Academic courses that take one year or more. For more information regarding these ICT training opportunities, click on the link below or you can visit our branch in Mbezi Beach, Goig bust stand.

Location Contacts and Address:

Bi Nuru building, Mbezi Goig

UCC Mwanza Branch

UCC Mbeya Branch

UCC Dodoma Branch

UCC Arusha Branch

UCC City Centre Branch

UCC Head quarters ( Main Branch )

University of Dar Es Salaam ( UDSM )

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