University of Dar Es Salaam Joining Instructions

University of Dar Es Salaam Joining Instructions

UDSM Joining Instructions


All correspondences to the University Administration should be routed through your Head of Department and Deputy Principal of College/Associate Dean of School/Deputy Director of teaching Institutes. You should also quote your year of study, course and registration number as shown on your Identity Card.


Obtain a copy of the programme from the Dean of Students’ offices on arrival.


Accommodation at all the campuses is available on application at the cost of 800/= per day on the University Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere Mlimani Campus and 500/= per day for Mabibo Hostel (for Tanzanian nationals). The rate for non-Tanzanian nationals is USD 3.00 per day for all the three campuses. All accommodation queries should be directed to the University Students Accommodation Bureau (USAB) Manager, Hall V, Simba Road No. 7 or at the respective Colleges. Adhering to the accommodation agreement/contract is a must. Cooking is strictly prohibited in the Halls of Residence.


The University will only register students who have either paid all their fees, be it for semester or per year. Fees paid will not be refunded.


You will be required to register at University and College/School level. You will therefore be required to complete two sets of Registration Forms, each with copies of Birth, O-level and A-level certificates. University registration will be conducted by the respective Colleges/Schools/Institute where you will submit the two sets of registration forms for verification of payment of tuition and other University fees and authenticity of certificates.

Students are encouraged to download the registration forms from Here . Photocopied forms will not be accepted.


You will be required to go for medical examination at any Government hospital/Health centre or any hospital recognized by the National Health Insurance Fund. You will therefore have to fill in medical examination form which will be presented for registration. The form can be downloaded from the UDSM website. Students with medical problems are advised to see the Deputy Director of Medical Services at the Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere Mlimani Campus and the Medical Officers-in-Charge at DUCE and MUCE.


Only students who have completed University registration will be issued with the University of Dar es Salaam Student Identity Cards.


Students who have been selected but cannot join the University for any reason cannot defer the admission to the next year. Such students need to apply afresh for the coming year.


No student will be permitted to change the degree he/she has been selected to pursue without the approval of the Senate. The procedures for changing a course will be on condition that:

(i)there is a vacancy;

(ii)the student has met the criteria and cut-off points used to select students to the course;

(iii)the transfer can take place not later than the Friday of the fourth week after the beginning of the first semester; and

(iv)the application letter is addressed to the Director of Undergraduate Studies through the Principal/Dean of the host and the receiving Colleges/Schools.

(v)Transfers from Education programmes are not entertained.


No change of names will be allowed during the course of study. Students will be allowed to use only those names which appear in their certificates.


Postponement of studies is not allowed except under special circumstances, e.g. sickness, serious social problems or severe sponsorship problems.


B.Ed. (PESS) students are required to bring with them the following items for the physical fitness test:

(i)Track suit

(ii)A pair of shorts

(iii)A pair of training shoes

(iv)A pair of football boots



In case of any problems/questions, please contact the Admissions Office, Room No. 105, and Administration Building, at the Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere Mlimani Campus.

University of Dar Es Salaam ( UDSM )