University of Dar Es Salaam library Borrowing

University of Dar Es Salaam library Borrowing

UDSM Library Borrowing

Primarily the right to borrow books and other volumes from the library restricted to the University members having the library borrow tickets.

For General Collections

The maximum number of volumes allowed at a time is 5 copies for undergraduate students, 10 copies for graduate students and 20 for Academic staff.

Every library member holding books from the general collection is required return them back to the library in not more than 21 days from its issue date. Failure to this a penalty of Tsh 500 will be charged for each incremental day.
Thereafter, the book will be deemed as to have been lost by the borrower and Regulations will apply.

For Reserved Collections

The maximum number of volumes allowed at a time is 1 copy for undergraduate students, 2 copies for graduate students and 5 for Academic staff.

Books in this collection are borrowed on hourly basis due to their shortage. Borrowers are not allowed to take books from this section outside the library
The fine for overdue of Special Reserve items is TShs.500 per hour. Any staff member who refuses to pay the fines or replacement cost of lost books will be liable to have these costs recovered from his salary through the Bursar’s Office.
However the book holder might request for an extension if the book is not booked by another library members.

University of Dar Es Salaam library Contact Details

University of Dar Es Salaam library Journals

University of Dar Es Salaam library History

University of Dar Es Salaam library Rules

University of Dar Es Salaam library Opening Hours

University of Dar Es Salaam library Collections

University of Dar Es Salaam library E Books

University of Dar Es Salaam library Database

University of Dar Es Salaam library Guide

University of Dar Es Salaam library Printing and Photocopying