University of Dar Es Salaam library Rules

University of Dar Es Salaam library Rules

UDSM Library Rules

1.    Admission to use of the Library:

(a). Reading: All members of the University Council, members of the teaching and administrative staff, registered students and alumni of University are entitled to use the library as readers. The Director may admit other authorized persons who are not members of the university to use the library. She/He also reserves the right, subject to the approval of the Senate Library Committee, to exclude from all use of the Library any person owing to persistent disregard of the Library Regulations, or for any other adequate cause which shall be considered to be undesirable in his/her opinion. Suspension of student defaulters shall be effective until such time as their cases shall have been considered by the University Disciplinary committee.

(b). Registration: After filling in the registration form, the applicant will be given one borrowing ticket (in a form of a pocket) with which to borrow special reserve materials. The ticket must be retained by the borrower when not in use. The loss of the ticket should be reported to the library at once. Replacement of borrowing ticket will be charged Shs.500. Normal books will be borrowed upon presentation of bar-coded identity card. No person may exercise the privilege of borrowing until he/she had filled in the borrower’s registration form at the desk, which signifies that the borrower has read these rules and agreed to abide by them.

(c). Use of Special Collections: Special collections with the exception of East Africana are open to all users entitled as under (a) above. East Africana is open to members of the academic staff and graduate students, final year undergraduates and researchers with bona-fide research clearances. Tanzanian graduates are automatically considered to have research clearance. Visitors and other researchers should submit to the Director or his/her designee a valid research clearances/permit before being allowed to use the collection.

(d). All international Researchers who are not affiliated with any Faculty, Department or Institute of the University of Dar es Salaam shall pay a non-refundable fee of USD.100.00  dollars for the use of the Library. This fee will cover the use of the Library for a three month’s period. If the researchers need to use the Library for a longer period, a further fee of USD 100.00  dollars will have to be paid for every 3 months or fraction of this period. Local Researchers who are not affiliated with the University of Dar es Salaam Shall pay a fee equivalent to US$ 30.00. This fee is non-refundable.

(e). All materials of closed access within special collections will be issued for references only against a reader’s identify and library card.

   2.    Borrowing:

(a). The right of borrowing is accorded to the persons mentioned in (a) above; but the prior approval of the Director or his designee shall be necessary in the case of persons who are not members of the University. They will be classified as “External Users,” and may use library facilities upon payment of : TShs.10,000.00 up to 1 Month; T Shs. 30,000.00 up to 3 Months; TShs. 100,000.00 up to 1Year,  as “Library Users Fee”.

(b). All borrowers shall be required to present their identity cards at respective issue points of the Library.

(c). The Director shall reserve the right; subject to the approval of the Senate Library Committee, to prohibit or to restrict the borrowing of certain classes of materials and of individual works. There will be a clear indication in such materials that they may not be borrowed or that borrowing  them is restricted.

(d). No material shall be removed from the library until it has been officially issued to the borrower at the issue desk.

(e). For all borrowers, except in the case of certain specified items, the loan period shall be three weeks. Issue may be renewed for a further period if the document is not reserved for other readers.

(f). Readers are requested not to re- shelve books taken from the shelves for consultation. The books should be placed on tables or trolleys to be re- shelved by library staff.

However, during a vacation, the loan period shall be the duration of such a vacation. All materials may be subject to recall by Director.

(g). The borrowers in whose name a book is withdrawn shall be solely responsible for returning it.

(h). Any borrower, including a member of the academic staff, who fails to return books from the general collection on the date due shall be liable to a fine of  TShs. 500.00 per book each day until the book has been returned or two weeks after the Final Overdue Notice. Thereafter, the book will be deemed to have been lost by the borrower and Regulations 6 will apply. The fine for overdue Special Reserve items, however, is  TShs. 500.00  per hour. Any staff member who refuses to pay the fines or replacement cost of lost books will be liable to have these costs recovered from his salary through the Bursar’s Office.

(i). There shall be an annual Clearance of Library materials at the end of each Academic Year whereby books held by a borrower shall be returned to the library. Thereafter the borrower who is continuing association with the University by study, or employment may borrow for the vacation only. At the beginning of each academic term readers must clear their vacational and other loans. Readers who do not comply will have their borrowing privileges suspended including that of the use of Special Reserve.

There shall be an annual Library Registration of students, which shall be concurrent with their Registration for courses for that academic year. Any student holding overdue library materials will not be registered in the library until he/she returns the materials and pays the fine, and will therefore be unable to borrow books.

(j). The refund of deposit due to student whose course terminates at the end of the session and who has not returned library materials will be withheld by the Bursars, until the material has been returned. An amount equal to the fine will then be charged against the deposit. If the book is not returned, the borrower will be charged:

(i). The total overdue fines

(ii). The current cost of the book and processing costs

(iii). A penalty of US$15. (the equivalent in Tanzania Shillings)

In the case of finalist students, his/her Examination and Statement of results, transcripts and certificate will be withheld by the Chief Academic Officer until unreturned library items have been recovered, or the amount due to the library in fines, the value of materials and penalty have been paid by the borrower.

(k).The Director reserves the right to recall any books before the date on which it is due. He may require that all books be returned when stock inspection is to take place.

3.    Borrowing by University Members

(a). The number of items which an undergraduate may have on loan at one time shall not exceed five (or for  graduate students not more that ten volumes), while the number of volumes which an academic member of staff may have on loan from the library at one time shall not exceed twenty.

If sufficient reason is shown, the Director may, upon application, allow an increase in the number of books borrowed

(b). Books may be reserved for borrowing. However they will be returned to the shelves if not claimed within one week after the notice has been sent to persons reserving them.

(c). Periodicals, East African and Reference materials may not be borrowed. Library materials on restricted loan may be borrowed only for the prescribed period

4.     Discipline

(a). Silence must be observed in the library

(b). Smoing is not permitted in the library

(c). The use of matches or openlight in any part of the library is prohibited

(d). No dispatch case/wallet of over 8″ x 5″ in size or attached cases be brought into the library. The overcoats and macintoshes must be left in the area provided for them on the ground floor.

(e).Readers must dress and behave in manner that will not cause either offence nor damage. Thus, for example, the removal of shirts, the placing of feet on furniture, and the wearing of high-heeled shoes are forbidden.

(f). Loose sheets of paper for purpose of taking notes may be taken into East Africana and Law sections. Files folders, papers and other books should not be taken into these section. Law students may take a limited number of textbooks into the Law section.

(g). The assistant at the control counter in the entrance lobby will insist that a reader show all his/her books on leaving the library as a precaution against the illegal removal of books. Borrowers are asked to give the assistant their full cooperation in this matter.

(h). No food may be brought into the Library including all type of drinks and fruits as they attract insects easily.

(i). Mobile phones must be switched off while in the Library. Readers found in breach of this regulation shall be  liable to a penalty of  TShs.5,000.00.

5.    Damages and loss of library book

(a). Readers or borrowers will be held responsible for any injury occurring to books while in their charge, and will be required to pay the full value of such books in case of damage. Readers are also responsible for their tickets. Any material borrowed against a borrower’s ticket  shall be the responsibility of the person whose name is on that borrower’s ticket. Books represented as lost or missing will be replaced at the borrower’s expense and the borrower will be charged

(i) The total overdue fine

(ii) The current cost of the book and processing costs

(iii) A penalty of US$ 15.00 (the equivalent in Tanzania Shillings)

(b). The marking of books will be regarded as injury, and the person responsible will be required to pay the cost of replacement.

(c). Bottles of ink may not be brought in the library.

7.    Stealing and/or Mutilation of Library Propert

If a person is found guilty of and or mutilating library property, he/she shall be rusticated for three months in the case of students, provided that those three months are within term time and be permanently dismissed for a second offence. In the case of the culprit being a member of staff, appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken against him/her in accordance with the terms and conditions of service.


(i). Coats, bags, parcels, etc. must be left in the area assigned for them in the entrance lobby and must not be brought into the library.

(ii). Readers are required to show their identity card at every checkpoint and at the Issue Desk when checking out a book and on request.

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