University of Khartoum Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences

University of Khartoum Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences

Visit University of Khartoum UofK for more details on the University

Education in FMLS is more than a set of skills, a rite of passage, or even the ability to think critically.

It is an experience—part of alifelong dialogue that encourages students to converse across cultures and disciplines.

Complement your education with real-world experience. As a member in FMLS, you’ll build your resume and portfolio through internships, externships,

research assistantships, and on-campus opportunities. Throughout the process, advisors guide you in taking the steps that match your interests and meet your goals.

Degrees Awarded

 General B.Sc.: 4 years

Honor B.Sc.: 5 years

M.S.c: By courses

M.Sc.: By research

PhD: By research


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