University of Namibia Graduation 2016
UNAM Graduation Dates for 2016
Graduates for undergraduate studies are hereby invited to complete the following should you intend to graduate at a campus other than the campus where you have completed your studies.
All graduates for Postgraduate Studies are requested to complete the form and indicate at which campus you intend to graduate.
- Windhoek Campus: 14 & 15 April 2016
- Katima Mulilo Campus: 19 April 2016
- Rundu Campus: 21 April 2016
- Northern Campuses: 28 April 2016
Last date to change your graduation venue: 18 March 2016
Kindly note that changes made after 18 March 2016 will not be reflected under the changed venue but names will remain as per your campus of completion.
Click here to download the form
Submit completed forms to
Polytechnic of Namibia Pages ( Namibia University of Science and Technology – NUST )
International University of Management ( IUM) Pages
Namibia University of Science and Technology Pages
Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT)
Namibian Maritime and Fisheries Institute (Namfi)