University of Namibia UNAM Bachelor of Accounting Course
Bachelor of Accounting
Offered at:
To register for the Bachelor of Accounting (Honours), a student must hold a valid Namibia Senior SecondaryCertificate (NSSC) or any equivalent qualification. English is a compulsory subject and students shouldobtain at least at grade C (English as Second Language) or grade D (English First Language).
A student should obtain a minimum of 25 points in five subjects on the UNAM Evaluation Scale to beadmitted with at least a C in NSSC (Ordinary level) Mathematics. However, a minimum of 25 points in fivesubjects does not necessarily ensure and/or guarantee admission.
The Department reserves the right to interview students before admission.
Admission is also considered for persons who qualify through the Mature Age Entry Scheme upon successfulcompletion of the relevant examinations as set out in the General Information and Regulations Prospectus.
Duration of Studies:
The minimum duration of Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) is four years and the maximum duration is 6 years. Students follow the programme in effect at the time of their most recent date of admission, transfer or readmission. The Faculty has the right to amend the curriculum for academic and professional reasons at any time. On distance mode the minimum duration to complete this program is 4 years and maximum duration is 8 years.