UPDF Army Numbers

UPDF Army Numbers

Below is the UPDF Strength. Note that these are estimations of the Uganda Peoples Defense Force Strength / Numbers, and may therefore not be exact but approximate.

The Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF), previously the National Resistance Army, is the armed forces of Uganda. From 2007 to 2011, the International Institute for Strategic Studies has estimated the UPDF has a total strength of 40,000–45,000, and consists of Land Forces and an Air Wing.

Background of UPDF

UPDF Ranks

UPDF in Somalia

UPDF Code of Conduct


UPDF Air Force

UPDF Special Forces

UPDF Training

UPDF Amisom

UPDF Recruitment Procedure

UPDF brass band

UPDF Cadet Recruitment

UPDF Fighter Jets

UPDF Headquarters Uganda

UPDF Hierachy

UPDF History

UPDF Recruitment

UPDF Regulations

UPDF Salary Structure

UPDF Training Schools

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