UPDF Recruitment Requirements

UPDF Recruitment Requirements

Below are the requirements for the Uganda Peoples Defense Force Recruitments

1.They must be citizens.
2.They must be healthy and physically fit and ready to undergo medical examination. Tests are carried out on all sensory organs as well as general health including; HIV/Aids.
3.They must be aged 18-25, and must be single with no children (family men are not easy to manage or deploy).
4.The standard operating procedure is that; you have to wait for four years before you get married.
5.All recruits must have a minimum form of education of senior four or its equivalent and not above UACE (for basic training) but cadets it’s UACE and above.
6.They must present original documents and photocopies of all academic papers.
7.All recruits must be of good conduct with no criminal record.
8. They should have letters of recommendation from LCI to LCIII
9.Gombolola Internal Security Officers must sign the letters to confirm their conduct.
10.Presenting false documents is a crime.

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