VETA Kihonda Location VETA Kihonda Location KIHONDA RVTSC -LOCATION KIHONDA RVTSC has two wings; The first wing is VTTC which is located within the Morogoro Vocational Teachers Training College compound near Morogoro Hotel The second wing is Kihonda which is located about 12kms from Morogoro town centre along Dodoma road. All wings are within the Morogoro Municipality. VETA Kihonda Contact AddressVETA Training CentersVETA Kihonda Application FormsVETA Kihonda Courses OfferedVETA Kihonda Fees StructureVETA MikumiMuslim University of Morogoro PagesVETA Eastern BranchAbout Muslim University of MorogoroVETA Highlands Branch