VETA Tanzania History and Background

VETA Tanzania History

The Vocational Educational and Training Authority (VETA) was established by an Act of Parliament No. 1 of 1994 charged with broad tasks of coordinating, regulating, managing VET fund, promoting and providing vocational education and training in Tanzania.

The history of VETA dates back to 1940 when the Apprenticeship Ordinance was enacted to guide training in the industry. The Vocational Training Act of 1974, which established the National Vocational Training Division, was replaced by the Vocational Educational and Training Act of 1994. The new Act established VETA with more powers and wider terms of reference; as a body that can respond more flexibly to changing labour market skills needs and to manage the skills development levy collected from enterprises.

Functions of VETA

i. To provide vocational education and training opportunities and facilities for such training;

ii. To establish a quality vocational education and training system, which includes both basic and specialized training and to ensure that the system meets the needs of both formal and informal sectors within the framework of overall national socio-economic development, that the system is integrated with entrepreneurship, it is cost effective and with decentralised planning and implementation authority to regions;

iii. To promote on the job training in industry for both apprenticeship training and for skills up dating and upgrading;

iv. To promote the balancing of supply and demand for skilled labour in both wage employment and for skills needed for self employment in rural and urban areas;

v. To promote access to vocational education and training for disadvantaged groups;

vi. To secure adequate and stable financing for the vocational education and training system;

vii. To support improvement of both quality and productivity of the national economy by promoting the pro of short tailor made training programmes to meet in-service training needs;

viii. To promote a flexible training approach and appropriate teaching methodologies;

ix. May establish or manage vocational training institutions including vocational teacher training colleges.

In the day-to-day activities of the Authority these roles fall under the broad tasks of regulation, coordination, provision, promotion and financing.


The Vision of VETA is an excellent Vocational Education and Training system that is capable of supporting national social economic development in the global context.


The Mission of VETA is to ensure provision of quality Vocational Educational and Training that meets labour market needs, through effective regulation, coordination, financing and promotion in collaboration with stakeholders.

Core Values

i. Demand driven services: support to interventions that are demand driven to meet national social-economic needs;

ii. Performance Excellence: strive to exceed stakeholder expectations through excellent service delivery;

iii. Transparency: Delivering services in a transparency manner so that the stakeholders are able to monitor processes and procedures.

iv. Team work: to strive to optimise synergies in order to meet goals set by consciously and deliberately nurturing team spirit, collaboration and consultation

Management of VETA

The Director General is the chief executive officer of the Authority and is responsible for the overall management of the Authority. The Director General is being assisted by a management team of nine members, of which eight are at the head office and the ninth is the Principal of Morogoro Vocational Teachers Training College (MVTTC). There are nine Regional Directors managing nine zonal offices.

The Director General reports to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Board which has the overall mandate of managing the Authority.