VETA Trade Test

VETA Trade Test

Vocational Education and Training Authority Trade Test

National Business Examinations (NABE)

 The Business Examination Application

An application to sit for National Business Examination shall be made by filling the National Business Examination form.


Application shall be accepted without a written approval of the Director General if he/she fulfils the following criteria:

(i) A person who wishes to register for National Business Examinations (NABE) stage one must have the following qualifications:

  • Be holder of Basic Commercial/Secretarial Training Certificate endorsed by a recognized institution. Or
  • Has commercial/secretarial knowledge with at least 2 years working experience.

(ii) A person who wishes to register for National Business Examination (NABE) Stage I must have registered

himself/herself for not more than 5 subjects in the entire field.

(iii)  A person who wishes to register for Business Examinations (NABE) stage II must have the following qualifications:

  • Be holder of National Business Examinations Certificate with at least one pass subject in stage I.

(iv) A person who wishes to register for National Business Examinations Stage III must have the following qualifications:

  •  Be holder of National Business Examinations Certificate with at least one pass subject in stage II.


National Business Examination application form must be counter signed on the space provided for the purpose by a referee who should be a principal/tutor of a registered institution to certify that the candidate is well known to him/her that the candidate is well prepared for the subjects she/he wishes to take. The referee shall be held responsible for the identity of the candidate, should the need arise.

Dates of Registration

Examinations are administered twice a year in May and November each year. Intending candidates should obtain examination application form from VETA Regional Directors, Centre Managers or Principal of VTCs

The fee must be paid to the VETA Regional Directors, Centre Managers or to Principals of VTC’s.

All fees once paid shall not be refundable or transferable.