Westminster Theological College Uganda Courses Offered

Westminster Theological College Uganda Courses Offered

List of Courses Offered at WTC Uganda

Westminster Theological College Uganda offers several programs in her two faculties as shown below:


Faculty of Theology

•    Certificate in Biblical Studies (1 year)
•    Diploma in Biblical Studies (2 years)
•    Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies; BATS (3 years)

Faculty of Education and Vocational Studies

•    Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education and Pedagogy (1 year)
•    Foundation program to Higher Education (Bridging course) – 1 year
•    Certificate in Education Planning, administration and management (1 year).
•    Certificate in Curriculum Design and Development (1 year)
•    Certificate in Christian Education (1 year)
•    Certificate in Library and information science (1 year)

See also

Background of Westminster Theological College Uganda WTC

Westminster Theological College Uganda Contact Address

Westminster Theological College Uganda WTC School of Education

Westminster Theological College Entrance Requirements

Westminster Theological College Uganda Application Procedure

Westminster Theological College Uganda Fees Structure

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