Zanzibar University Certificate and Diploma Entry Requirements

Zanzibar University Certificate and Diploma Entry Requirements


Zanzibar University admits students based on TCU and NACTE guidelines and, therefore, all applicants are advised to abide with the updated criteria provided as follows:-

Minimum Admission Requirements for Certificate Programmes (NTA LEVEL 4)
From NACTE guidelines, students shall be admitted into the various programmes basing on the following admission and/or registration requirements:-

  1. Possession of at least four passes of relevant Form IV (O-Level) subjects or its equivalent established by National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA); OR
  2. Possession of at least two passes (Engineering Sciences) at Form IV level or its equivalent established by NECTA or NVA level 3 or its equivalent established by VETA.
  3. A mean Grade D, or its equivalent from countries that have 8 – 4 – 4 educational system.

Minimum Admission Requirements for Ordinary Diploma (UQF LEVEL 5 & 6)
From TCU guidelines, students shall be admitted into the various programmes basing on the following admission and/or registration requirements: –

  1. Possession of at least four passes of relevant Form Four subjects or its equivalent established by NECTA based on Tanzania education system AND NTA Level 4 Certificate. OR
  2. Possession of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (A-Level) with one principal pass or its equivalent (at least two subsidiaries) established by NECTA based on Tanzania education system, OR
  3. Possession of NABE AND NTA Level 4 Certificate, OR
  4. Possession of any Bachelor Degree from a recognised institution.

Minimum Admission Requirements for UQF LEVEL 6 Certificates (Pre-University Programme (P.U.P))

  1. Possession of NTA Level 5 Certificate, OR
  2. Possession of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A-Level) or its equivalent with at least one (1) principal pass or two or more subsidiaries; OR
  3. At least a pass in Diploma from recognized Universities or Institutions; OR
  4. Any first degree from a recognized University; OR
  5. A mean Grade C or above, or its equivalent from countries that have 8 – 4 – 4 educational system.

Zanzibar University Undergraduate Entry Requirements

Zanzibar University Postgraduate Entry Requirements

Zanzibar University Fees Structure

Zanzibar University Application Forms

Zanzibar University Application Procedure

Zanzibar University Online Application

Zanzibar University Courses Offered

Zanzibar University Entry Requirements

Zanzibar University Contacts

Zanzibar University Prospectus

Zanzibar University Postgraduate Applications