Zanzibar University Undergraduate Selected Candidates 2017 – 2018 Batch 1
1st Round Selection for Academic Year 2017/2018 | ||||||||||
Sn | FirstName | MiddleName | Surname | Gender | Programme Name | |||||
1 | Amina | Ali | Shaaban | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
2 | ALLY | a | OMARY | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
3 | ABBAS | SELEMAN | MKORA | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
4 | MAFUNDA | ISSA | HEMED | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
5 | ALI | HILALI | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
6 | IMRANI | M | ABDALLAH | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
7 | PILI | HASSAN | SIMAI | F | Bachelor of Information Studies | |||||
8 | FATMA | S | SAIDI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
9 | ABUUBAKAR | M | MBAROUK | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
10 | RUWIADA | HAJI | KHATIB | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
11 | ASMA | S | KABANGA | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
12 | ABDILLAHI | SWALE | JUMA | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
13 | IBRAHIM | ALI | JUMA | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
14 | AISHA | SUWEID | FAIZ | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
15 | SABRA | MOHAMED | ALI | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
16 | MUSSA | ABDALLA | ALI | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
17 | AHMED | HILAL | ALI | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
18 | NYAMIZA | H | MSENGESI | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
19 | JUMA | KHATIB | NASSOR | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
Selected Applicants with Multiple Admissions | ||||||||||
Dear Applicants Kindly, Confirm your admission by Monday 9th ,2017 | ||||||||||
Sn | FirstName | MiddleName | Surname | Gender | Programme Name | |||||
1 | ALI | MNGWALI | VUAI | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
2 | MOHAMED | HAJI | VUAA | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
3 | ZAINAB | MAKAME | USSI | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
4 | AMINA | MOHAMED | USSI | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
5 | SAADA | ISSA | USSI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
6 | SULEIMAN | HAMZA | SULEIMAN | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
7 | MARYAM | NASIB | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
8 | SABRINA | SAID | SOUD | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
9 | ZUHURA | MOHAMMED | SLEYMAN | F | Bachelor of Information Studies | |||||
10 | FARHAT | ALI | SHEHE | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
11 | MUNIRA | ABEID | SHAMTE | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
12 | SAAD | ABDULRAHMAN | SALUM | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
13 | SALUM | ABDULLA | SALUM | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
14 | SALHA | OTHMAN | SALUM | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
15 | MARIYAM | ALI | SALEH | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
16 | AZIZA | ABDALLA | SAID | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
17 | HAJRA | KHAMIS | SAID | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
18 | THUWAIBA | MAKAME | RAMADHAN | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
19 | MWANAHAWA | MKADAM | OMAR | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
20 | OMAR | HAMAD | OMAR | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
21 | khadija | Salim | Omar | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
22 | FATMA | MOH’D | OMAR | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
23 | MLOWEZI | KENEDI | NYAMBALYA | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
24 | AMINA | SAID | MUSTAFA | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
25 | MIKIDADI | MACHANO | MUSSA | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
26 | AWATIF | RASHID | MUSSA | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
27 | AISHA | SALUM | MPWANI | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
28 | MOHAMED | FAUZI | MPONDA | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
29 | NADHIFA | ABDALLA | MOHAMED | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
30 | KHAITHAM | ALI | MOHAMED | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
31 | MUSTAFA | RAJAB | MIRAJI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
32 | MGENI | HAJI | MGENI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
33 | HAJI | SULEIMAN | MGAMBE | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
34 | RABIA | ALI | MBWANA | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
35 | HASINA | AMOUR | MBAROUK | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
36 | Festus | F | Maiga | M | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computer Engineering and Information Technology | |||||
37 | AIDA | M | MADDY | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
38 | Zamiri | Pandu | Machano | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
39 | ARISTIDE | LYIMO | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | ||||||
40 | IRENE | – | LAURIAN | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
41 | SHATFA | SAID | KISASI | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
42 | UMMUKULTHUM | HAJI | KHATIB | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
43 | Ali | Khatibu | Khamis | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
44 | MARYAM | YAHYA | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
45 | UMUKURUTHUM | SULEIMAN | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
46 | MOH’D | KHAMIS | JUMA | M | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
47 | ZUWENA | KHAMIS | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
48 | NAILAM | OMAR | JUMA | M | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
49 | ABDULMALIK | KHAMIS | JUMA | M | PC Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics | |||||
50 | ZUWENA | HASSAN | JONGO | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
51 | SALMA | ABDALLA | JECHA | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
52 | MWANAPILI | HAMID | ISSA | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
53 | ZAINAB | ALI | IDDI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
54 | FATUMA | SHARIFU | IBRAHIM | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
55 | MOHAMED | HASSAN | HIDAD | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
56 | SALHA | SALEH | HEMED | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
57 | SEIF | HASSAN | HEMED | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
58 | RUWAIDA | KHATIB | HAMAD | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
59 | Aisha | Soud | Hamad | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
60 | ISSA | MBAROUK | HAMAD | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
61 | NASSOR | ALI | HAJI | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
62 | ZULFA | ALI | HAJI | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
63 | SAIMA | ABAS | HAJI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
64 | MAKAME | KHAKIM | HAJI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
65 | MARYAM | KOMBO | HAJI | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
66 | TWALHA | SHARIFU | HAJI | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
67 | SALAMA | CHUM | HAJI | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
68 | ALI | HASSAN | HAJI | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
69 | Abdulhallim | Mabrouk | Hafidh | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
70 | ALLY | SAID | GANZEL | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
71 | YAKOUB | MBARAK | FAKI | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
72 | ASHURA | AMOUR | DUCHI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
73 | LILANGA | SAMWEL | DOTTO | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
74 | THUWAIBA | MUHIDIN | BAKAR | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
75 | FADHIL | ALI | BAKAR | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
76 | SALAMA | THANI | AWESU | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
77 | KHADIJA | HUSSEIN | ALMAS | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
78 | Asia | Shauri | Ali | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
79 | Yussuf | Kheri | Ali | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
80 | SAID | SULEIMAN | ALI | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
81 | YAKUB | SAID | ALI | M | PC Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics | |||||
82 | RUKIA | MUSSAN | ALI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
83 | ALI | AHMADA | ALI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
84 | Wahdat | Suleiman | Ali | F | Bachelor of Islamic Banking & Finance | |||||
85 | HASHIM | SALIM | ALI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
86 | FAHADI | HEMED | ALI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
87 | Said | Masoud | Ali | M | BSc. in Telecommunication Engineering | |||||
88 | ABDULLA | ISSA | ALI | M | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
89 | ASMA | ALI | ABEID | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
90 | ABRAHMAN | SALIM | ABEID | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
91 | MAIMUNA | KHAMIS | ABDALLA | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
92 | SALHA | JUMBE | SAID | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
93 | ABUBAKAR | A | SUDI | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
1ST Round | ||||||||||
Sn | FirstName | MiddleName | Surname | Gender | Programme Name | |||||
1 | RIDHWANI | ALLY | ZUBERI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
2 | TALHA | SHUKRY | ZUBEIR | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
3 | Amina | Mkubwa | Zubeir | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
4 | SAID | MKUBWA | ZUBEIR | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
5 | MBOJA | MACHANO | ZAMIRI | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
6 | SALHA | KHALFAN | ZAID | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
7 | AWATIF | ABDALLA | ZAHOR | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
8 | Salama | Omar | Zaburi | F | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
9 | MARYAM | MRISHO | YUSSUF | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
10 | MUSTAFA | AHMED | YUSSUF | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
11 | Ramadhan | S | Yussuf | M | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
12 | ASHA | ALI | YUSSUF | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
13 | OMARI | ABASS | YAHYA | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
14 | SUBEHA | MOHAMMED | WAKILI | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
15 | BURHAN | JABIR | VUAI | M | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
16 | AWENA | HAJI | VUAI | F | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
17 | MOHAMED | HAJI | VUAA | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
18 | NEZMA | JUMBE | USSI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
19 | HAITHAM | AMUNI | UBWA | F | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
20 | TUHENI | TALIB | TUHENI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
21 | PRECIOUS | ANDREW | THAWANI | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
22 | IDDI | MASOUD | TAMIM | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
23 | FATMA | SHAABAN | TABU | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
24 | PILI | HUSSEIN | SUWED | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
25 | HABIBA | KITWANA | SURURU | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
26 | MARYAM | ISMAIL | SURURU | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
27 | RUWAYLA | HAJI | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
28 | ABDI | JUMA | SULEIMAN | M | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
29 | AISHA | AMOUR | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Islamic Banking & Finance | |||||
30 | REHEMA | ABDALLA | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
31 | SHELA | ABDALLA | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
32 | RAYA | KHAMIS | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
33 | Rabia | Khalfan | Suleiman | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
34 | Hamad | Khalfan | Suleiman | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
35 | ALLY | KHAMIS | SULEIMAN | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
36 | JINA | JUMA | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
37 | AHMED | ALI | SULEIMAN | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
38 | TALAA | BADRU | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
39 | SALMA | SEIF | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Islamic Banking & Finance | |||||
40 | SULEIMAN | KHUDHAIFA | SULEIMAN | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
41 | RIDHWANA | RASHID | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
42 | RAYYAN | AMOUR | SULEIMAN | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
43 | Juma | Hassan | Sufian | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
44 | HANIFA | ABDU | SIMBA | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
45 | ASHA | MBWANA | SIMBA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
46 | KHADIJA | PANDU | SIMAI | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
47 | FATMA | MAKAME | SIMAI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
48 | Siti | Haji | Simai | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
49 | WANU | MACHANO | SILIMA | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
50 | Khalid | Ahmad | Sheikh | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
51 | AMINA | KHAMIS | SHEHA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
52 | LYUDMILLA | FARID | SHAWWAL | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
53 | PANDU | MAKAME | SHAAME | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
54 | SULEIMAN | ALI | SHAAME | M | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
55 | TAWADUDI | OTHMAN | SHAAME | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
56 | AMIRI | RAJAB | SHAABAN | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
57 | RASHID | SAIDI | SELEMAN | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
58 | FATMA | MOHAMMED | SEIF | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
59 | SEIF | HAMOUD | SEIF | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
60 | TATU | OTHMAN | SEIF | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
61 | AISHA | JUMA | SEIF | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
62 | SHARIFA | K | SEIF | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
63 | NASSOR | SULEIMAN | SARHAN | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
64 | SAMIRA | MOHAMED | SALUM | F | Bachelor of Islamic Banking & Finance | |||||
65 | Iddi | Abrahman | Salum | M | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
66 | SALMA | MAHFOUDH | SALUM | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
67 | MARYAM | KHAMIS | SALUM | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
68 | MOH’D | SEIF | SALUM | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
69 | Salama | Abdi | salum | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
70 | NABIL | MOHAMED | SALUM | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
71 | OMAR | MOHAMED | SALIM | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
72 | SULEIMAN | JUMA | SALIM | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
73 | RAHMA | SAID | SALIM | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
74 | KIJOLI | ABDALLA | SALIM | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
75 | HAMAD | MASOUD | SALIM | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
76 | MASOUD | JAMAL | SALIM | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
77 | SALMA | ALI | SALEH | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
78 | MBAROUK | ALI | SALEH | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
79 | AZZA | ABDILLAH | SALEH | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
80 | KHADIJA | MOH’D | SAIDI | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
81 | BADRU | RAMADHAN | SAID | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
82 | Wajha | H | Said | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
83 | SAID | AHMED | SAID | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
84 | AD-HAWAD | SALUM | SAID | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
85 | KAZIJA | ABUBAKAR | SAID | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
86 | Hamad | Juma | Said | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
87 | KAMARIA | MOH’D | SAID | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
88 | Zainab | Khamis | Said | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
89 | RUFEA | OMAR | SAID | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
90 | SHARIFA | MOHAMED | SAID | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
91 | MGENI | MOHAMED | SAID | F | Bachelor of Islamic Banking & Finance | |||||
92 | Shadiya | Mabrouk | Saadun | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
93 | MOHAMED | BAKAR | RASHID | M | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computer Engineering and Information Technology | |||||
94 | SAMIHA | ALI | RASHID | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
95 | SADA | MWARABU | RASHID | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
96 | YUTHRIA | JUMA | RASHID | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
97 | Moh’d | Mbarouk | Rashid | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
98 | ADILA | MOHD | RAMADHANI | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
99 | ZULFA | MOHAMED | RAMADHAN | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
100 | HANIFA | HASSAN | RAJAB | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
101 | Sabrina | Kheri | Rajab | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
102 | KEY | KHAMIS | RAJAB | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
103 | ASMA | IDI | PILI | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
104 | MWANAASHA | MW | PANDU | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
105 | HALIMA | JUMA | OTHUMAN | M | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
106 | IBRAHIM | KHAMIS | OTHMAN | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
107 | Hafidh | Haji | Othman | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
108 | SAMIRA | MOHAMED | OTHMAN | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
109 | YASIN | MWALIM | OMAR | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
110 | YUMNA | RAMADHAN | OMAR | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
111 | ABDUL | MOH’D | OMAR | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
112 | THUKHAT | KHAMIS | OMAR | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
113 | MASSOUD | NAJIM | OMAR | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
114 | MARYAM | MASOUD | OMAR | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
115 | Zulekha | Talib | Omar | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
116 | YUSSUF | MOHAMMED | OMAR | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
117 | AHMED | SALUM | OMAR | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
118 | IPTISAM | MOH’D | OMAR | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
119 | OMAR | KH | OMAR | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
120 | Fatma | Moh’d | Nassour | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
121 | MWAMTAMA | S | NASSORO | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
122 | AHMADA | SHEHE | NASSOR | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
123 | ZAHOR | SULEIMAN | NASSOR | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
124 | AISHA | AHMED | NASSOR | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
125 | NASSOR | SALIM | NASSOR | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
126 | HUSSEIN | JUMA | NASSOR | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
127 | ASMA | AHMED | NASSOR | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
128 | RAMLA | OMAR | NAJIM | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
129 | ISSA | JUMA | NAHODA | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
130 | WAFAA | SULEIMAN | MZEE | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
131 | MWANAKHAMIS | BAKAR | MZEE | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
132 | WASILA | KHAMIS | MZEE | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
133 | EVERJOSEPHINE | D | MWAKANJUKI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
134 | KHAMIS | YUSSUF | MUSSA | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
135 | NASRA | KHAMIS | MUSSA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
136 | SALUM | Omar | MUSSA | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
137 | MARYAM | MBARAKA | MUSSA | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology – Evening | |||||
138 | MARIAM | ALAWY | MUSSA | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
139 | FARIDA | MOH’D | MUSSA | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
140 | HAJI | WAZIRI | MUSSA | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
141 | PILI | WADI | MUSSA | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
142 | KAZIJA | RAJAB | MUMO | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
143 | Abrahman | Ali | Mukhtar | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
144 | Fatma | Simanzi | Muhidin | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
145 | KHADIJA | SLEIMAN | MUHIDDIN | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
146 | SHABANI | AHMEDI | MUHAMMED | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
147 | Luqman | Jaruman | Muhammad | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
148 | KHALIDI | SULEIMAN | MTUMWA | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology – Evening | |||||
149 | Fadhila | Juma | Msuya | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
150 | MOZA | MOH’D | MSELLEM | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
151 | HABIBU | JUMANNE | MSANGA | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
152 | HAJI | SHAFII | MRISHO | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
153 | ABDALLA | SOUD | MOHD | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
154 | ABADI | ZEDI | MOHD | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
155 | NASSOR | ALI | MOHD | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-English) | |||||
156 | IDRISA | HILAL | MOHD | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
157 | KHADIJA | ABDULLA | MOHD | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
158 | FATUMA | KOMBO | MOHD | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
159 | RAHIMA | KASSIM | MOHD | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
160 | SAID | OMAR | MOHD | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
161 | SALAMA | SALEH | MOHD | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
162 | RAYA | AHMADA | MOHD | F | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
163 | ZULEKHA | SHEHA | MOHD | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
164 | SHARIFA | ALI | MOHD | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
165 | KHALID | SULEIMAN | MOHAMMED | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
166 | SAM | ABOUD | MOHAMMED | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
167 | HASSAN | JUMA | MOHAMMED | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
168 | WASILA | IBRAHIM | MOHAMED | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
169 | Abdulkarim | Abdallah | Mohamed | M | BSc. in Telecommunication Engineering | |||||
170 | Salum | Hemed | Mohamed | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
171 | MOHAMED | KHALID | MOHAMED | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
172 | ALI | KHAMIS | MOHAMED | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
173 | IRAIDA | MANSOUR | MOHAMED | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
174 | AMINA | AWESU | MOHAMED | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
175 | KAUTHAR | SAID | MOHAMED | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
176 | Ahlam | S | Mohamed | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
177 | KHADIJA | ALI | MOHAMED | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
178 | FATUMA | KHAMIS | MJAJA | M | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
179 | Kazija | Kassim | Mjahid | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
180 | Abdalla | Juma | Mgeni | M | BSc. in Telecommunication Engineering | |||||
181 | ISSA | MOHAMMED | MFAUME | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
182 | AMINA | RAJAB | MBWANA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
183 | Mwanakhamis | Saburi | Mberwa | F | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
184 | mwantatu | mbaraka | mbaya | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-English) | |||||
185 | Mwanaidi | Juma | Mbaruk | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
186 | Faida | Abdallah | Mbarouk | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
187 | NAIMA | KHAMIS | MBAROUK | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
188 | SHUWEKHA | ZUBEIR | MBARAKA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
189 | KHALIDA | ZAHOR | MBARAK | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
190 | Fatuma | Faki | Mati | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
191 | ZUBEDA | ALI | MASUDI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
192 | FAR-HAT | FAKI | MASSOUD | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
193 | ABDUL-HAMID | RAJAB | MASSOUD | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
194 | KHAIRAT | ALI | MASOUD | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
195 | Maimuna | Hamad | Masoud | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
196 | HASSAN | SEIF | MASAHARE | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
197 | YUSSUF | MABROUK | MARZOUK | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
198 | Khayrun | Khalid | Mambo | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
199 | Mtumwa | Ali | Makame | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
200 | Hidaya | Khatib | Makame | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
201 | ABDULKADIR | H | MAKAME | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
202 | RAHMA | RASHID | MAKAME | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
203 | LATIFA | ALI | MAKAME | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
204 | Maryam | Ali | Makame | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
205 | SAMIRA | KHAMIS | MAKAME | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
206 | ARABIYA | ABDALLA | MAISARA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
207 | KHALID | HUMOUD | MAHSEIN | M | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computer Engineering and Information Technology | |||||
208 | BISHARA | ABRAHMAN | MAHMOUD | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
209 | ARAFA | JUMA | MAARIFA | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
210 | KHATIM | OTHMAN | MAALIM | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
211 | KAZIJA | KOMBO | KOMBO | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
212 | ASHURA | TWAHA | KOMBO | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
213 | THUWAIBA | MWEVURA | KOMBO | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
214 | ANIL-YA | SULEIMAN | KOMBO | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
215 | BIDARUSI | RASHID | KOMBO | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
216 | HANIFA | KHAMIS | KOMBO | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
217 | LATIFA | RASHID | KOMBO | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
218 | RAMADHANI | LUBELA | KITENJA | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
219 | ALLY | G | KIPENGELE | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
220 | HAJI | ISSA | KIDETE | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
221 | REHEMA | ONESMO | KIBONA | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
222 | HAMADA | JUMA | KHERI | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
223 | ALI | OMAR | KHER | M | BSc. in Telecommunication Engineering | |||||
224 | KHEIR | NAOMBA | KHEIR | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
225 | FAIZA | JOMBI | KHEIR | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
226 | MAHAD | HASSANI | KHATIBU | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
227 | ABDULLA | ALI | KHATIBU | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
228 | ILMIY | ABDI | KHATIB | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
229 | ZULFA | JUMA | KHATIB | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
230 | FARISHA | MOHAMED | KHATIB | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
231 | AMINA | AMOUR | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
232 | ZUHURA | JUMA | KHAMIS | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
233 | Yasir | Abushir | Khamis | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
234 | Rukia | Mohamed | Khamis | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
235 | THUWAIBA | OMAR | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
236 | RABIA | ILIYASA | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
237 | Kiza | Mwinyi | Khamis | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
238 | ASHA | HAJI | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
239 | FATMA | USSI | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
240 | KHAMIS | JUMA | KHAMIS | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
241 | HAJI | SHEHA | KHAMIS | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
242 | KHADIJA | MOH’D | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
243 | Kyadhiya | Salim | Khamis | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
244 | AISHA | O | KHAMIS | F | PC Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | |||||
245 | HARUNI | MBARAK | KHAMIS | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
246 | Abdillah | Juma | Khamis | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
247 | KHAMIS | JUMA | KHAMIS | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
248 | MARIAM | HASSAN | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
249 | RAHIKA | HAJI | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
250 | FATMA | ALI | KHAMIS | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
251 | Farida | Mohamed | khamis | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
252 | MAFUNDA | MOHD | KHALFAN | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
253 | ELIZABETH | NAOMI | KATULI | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
254 | MWANAKHAMIS | MOHAMED | KASSIM | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
255 | HIJRA | JUMA | KASIM | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
256 | Bonface | E | Kaponda | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
257 | MOH’D | ALI | JUMA | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
258 | HAIRAT | ABUU-BAKAR | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
259 | KASSIM | MBAROUK | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
260 | ABDULGHAFALI | IDRISSA | JUMA | M | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
261 | JALALI | ALAWI | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
262 | SALHA | MABROUK | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
263 | SALAMA | KHAMIS | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
264 | HELEM | ABDULLA | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
265 | KHADIJA | OTHMAN | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
266 | Mulhat | Amour | Juma | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
267 | ZUWENA | OMAR | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
268 | Fatuma | Makame | Juma | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
269 | ARAFA | MTUMWA | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
270 | ZUNAIDA | ABDULLA | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
271 | Juma | M | Juma | M | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
272 | KASSIM | OMAR | JUMA | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
273 | MWANAIDI | MAKAME | JUMA | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
274 | JECHA | AME | JECHA | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
275 | KOMBO | OMAR | ISSA | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
276 | HABIBA | MOHAMED | ISSA | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
277 | Asia | Idrisa | Issa | F | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
278 | BISHARA | KHALFAN | ISSA | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
279 | SABRA | ALI | IDRISA | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
280 | Mwanajuma | Ameir | Iddi | F | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
281 | SABIHA | YAHAYA | IBRAHIM | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
282 | NASRIYA | ALI | IBRAHIM | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
283 | Abdul-Aziz | Ameir | Hilal | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
284 | Hussein | Ahmad | Hassan | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
285 | ABDUL-HALIM | HAFIDH | HASSAN | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
286 | HASSAN | AMOUR | HASSAN | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
287 | SHARIFA | IDDI | HASSAN | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
288 | Mtuma | Hija | Hassan | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
289 | Maida | Mohamed | Hassan | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
290 | NASRA | MUSSA | HAROUN | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
291 | KHAMIS | HAMED | HAMOUD | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
292 | FARHAT | RASHID | HAMID | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
293 | NAJMA | ALI | HAMED | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
294 | NURU | HAMIDI | HAMADI | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
295 | HAFIDH | ABDALLA | HAMAD | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
296 | Khaulat | Kombo | Hamad | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-English) | |||||
297 | Sadfa | Juma | Hamad | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
298 | SAUMU | KHATIB | HAMAD | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
299 | ALI | SOUD | HAMAD | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
300 | Zeina | Khamis | Hamad | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
301 | ASHA | SULEIMAN | HAMAD | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
302 | HAMAD | HAFIDH | HAMAD | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
303 | AYMAN | ALI | HAMAD | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
304 | KOMBO | AME | HAMAD | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
305 | MUHSIN | MOH’D | HAJI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
306 | Uzia | Abdadalla | Haji | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
307 | Zubeida | Haji | Haji | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
308 | SUWADE | MSANIF | HAJI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
309 | KHADIJA | RAMADHAN | HAJI | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
310 | ABDUL HAMID | MOHAMED | HAJI | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
311 | HAJI | JUMBE | HAJI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
312 | Fatma | Ali | Haji | F | Bachelor of Mass Communication | |||||
313 | ASMA | ABDALLA | HAJI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
314 | ZAKIA | MAKAME | HABABUU | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
315 | HAJI | ALI | FUNDI | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
316 | MWANAKHAMIS | JUMA | FOUM | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
317 | Mohamed | Suleiman | Faki | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
318 | BIMKUBWA | MAKAME | FAKI | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
319 | FAUZIA | KOMBO | FAKI | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
320 | Shakila | Muhija | Faki | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
321 | DULANA | AISHA | DULANA | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
322 | Asiyatu | Aisha | Dulana | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
323 | AFIFE | MOH’D | DAUD | F | BSc. in Telecommunication Engineering | |||||
324 | TALHA | NASIH | DAU | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
325 | HALIMA | MOH’D | CHUMU | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
326 | CHUM | KHATIB | CHUM | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
327 | MARGARET | MWANJANA | CHITSULO | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
328 | OMARI | MASUDI | BAKARI | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
329 | AIDA | SULEIMAN | BAKARI | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
330 | RAYA | SAID | BAKAR | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
331 | SALMA | ALI | BAKAR | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
332 | RAJABU | KHAMIS | BAKAR | M | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
333 | MISKI | SULEIMAN | BAKAR | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
334 | YAHYA | YUSSUF | BAKAR | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
335 | GHANIMA | ABASS | AYOUB | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
336 | AHMADI | HASSAN | ATHUMANI | M | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
337 | ASSAA | MWIDANI | ASSAA | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
338 | NASRIN | ALI | AMOUR | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
339 | Ameir | Masoud | Ameir | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
340 | GHANIE | KHAMIS | AMEIR | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
341 | MUSSA | VUAI | AME | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
342 | LATIFA | KHAMIS | AME | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
343 | WARDAT | NASSIR | ALLY | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
344 | Abdi | Mohamed | Ally | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
345 | hadija | salehe | ally | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
346 | SWAUMU | A | ALLY | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
347 | THUWAIBA | ABDALLA | ALLY | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
348 | ALI | KHATIB | ALI | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Geography | |||||
349 | AMINA | YAHYA | ALI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
350 | RASHIDA | IDRISA | ALI | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
351 | FATMA | HAJI | ALI | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
352 | ALI | HAMAD | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
353 | YUSSUF | SHARIF | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
354 | ISSA | ABDULLAH | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
355 | ZAKIA | ABDALLA | ALI | F | PC Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | |||||
356 | KHERI | OMAR | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
357 | SHAMNUU | IMRAN | ALI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
358 | ZAITUNI | ABDALLA | ALI | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
359 | KAZIJA | HAJI | ALI | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
360 | YUNAYTHAM | NASSOR | ALI | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
361 | Ali | Haji | Ali | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
362 | RASHID | HABIB | ALI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
363 | ZAHOR | OMAR | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
364 | HASSAN | IMAM | ALI | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
365 | ZEINAB | OMAR | ALI | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
366 | TALIB | AHMED | ALI | M | PC Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | |||||
367 | HUSNA | RASHID | ALI | F | Bachelor of Islamic Banking & Finance | |||||
368 | MUSSA | ABDALLA | ALI | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
369 | Idarous | Rashid | Ali | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
370 | Samira | Hamad | Ali | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
371 | SAID | KHELEF | ALI | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
372 | LUTFYE | MZEE | ALI | F | BSc. in Telecommunication Engineering | |||||
373 | ALI | FAKI | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
374 | LAILA | MAHMOUD | ALI | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
375 | TIME | HAMAD | ALI | F | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
376 | KHADIJA | RASHID | ALI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
377 | IDRISA | FAKIH | ALI | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
378 | KHADIJA | NASSOR | ALI | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
379 | MUSSA | O | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
380 | ISSA | FAKI | ALI | M | PC Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | |||||
381 | RUWAIDA | MACHANO | ALI | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
382 | Tahiri | Twaib | Ali | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
383 | SHAABAN | YAHYA | ALI | M | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computer Engineering and Information Technology | |||||
384 | TAHIYA | ZUBEIR | ALI | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Administration. | |||||
385 | Maryam | Salum | Ali | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
386 | Salama | Suleiman | Ali | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
387 | KHADIJA | AMEIR | ALI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
388 | NASSOR | RAJAB | ALI | M | Bachelor of Procurement & Logistic Management | |||||
389 | MUHAMED | ABDALLA | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
390 | shuweikha | mbarouk | ali | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
391 | MOHD | MAKAME | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
392 | ALI | MOHD | ALI | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
393 | ABDURAHMAN | MOHAMED | ALI | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
394 | MPAJI | MZEE | ALI | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
395 | HADIA | BAKAR | ALI | F | PC Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | |||||
396 | RAMLA | ABDISALAMI | ALI | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
397 | HABIBA | RAJAB | ALI | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
398 | TAHIR | RASHID | ALI | M | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
399 | OMAR | KHAMIS | ALI | M | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
400 | OMAR | H. | ALI | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
401 | HAJI | ABDALLA | ALI | M | BSc. in Telecommunication Engineering | |||||
402 | RAYA | SEIF | ALAWI | F | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
403 | MOHAMED | ALI | AHMED | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
404 | NASSRA | MOHAMED | ABUU | F | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | |||||
405 | Salama | Mohammed | Abeid | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
406 | MASSAD | SULEIMAN | ABEID | F | PC Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | |||||
407 | ABDULHAMID | ABDULHAFIDH | ABEID | M | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Finance; | |||||
408 | SALEHE | MAKAME | ABEID | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
409 | Ayman | Khelef | Abeid | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
410 | HUDHAIFAT | ABUBAKAR | ABDULWAHAB | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
411 | Hashil | Abdallah | AbdulQadir | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
412 | NASRA | ALI | ABDULLAH | F | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
413 | SALEH | SHEHA | ABDULLA | M | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
414 | Salma | Sultan | Abdulla | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
415 | MTUMWA | MASSOUD | ABDULLA | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
416 | HAFSWA | MOHAMED | ABDULLA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
417 | NADYA | SALIM | ABDULLA | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
418 | ABDULMAJID | IBRAHIM | ABDIRAHMAN | M | Bachelor of Islamic Banking & Finance | |||||
419 | SAIDY | KHALIFA | ABDI | M | Bachelor of Law and Shariah (LL.B). | |||||
420 | FATMA | MAULID | ABDI | F | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Mathematics | |||||
421 | Raya | Said | Abdallah | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
422 | Asila | Salim | Abdallah | F | Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing; | |||||
423 | NEEMA | RAMADHAN | ABDALLAH | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (English-Swahili) | |||||
424 | ZALIHA | S | ABDALLA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
425 | RAUHIA | AHMED | ABDALLA | F | Bachelor of Information Science | |||||
426 | MUNIRA | MAHADHI | ABDALLA | F | Bachelor of Arts (Ed) in Languages (Arabic-Swahili) | |||||
427 | ABDALLA | MOHD | ABDALLA | M | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
428 | SALHA | OMAR | ABDALLA | F | Bachelor of Social Work | |||||
429 | SALIM | HAFIDH | ABDALLA | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
430 | JUMA | MKUBWA | ABDALLA | M | PC Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | |||||
431 | SALTI | SALIM | ABDALLA | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
432 | SLEYUM | ABDALLA | ABDALLA | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
433 | SALEH | OTHMAN | ABDALLA | M | Bachelor of Science IT with Education Biology | |||||
434 | SHUWENA | MWADINI | ABASS | F | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
435 | muhammad | Omar | Abass | M | PC Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | |||||
436 | KHADIJA | KHAMIS | ABAASI | F | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
437 | MUDRIK | KHAMIS | MOHAMED | M | Bachelor of International Relation and Diplomacy | |||||
438 | AHMED | KHAMIS | SALIM | M | Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics. | |||||
439 | YUSRA | SALIM | SAID | F | Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
See also
International Scholarships for Tanzanians to Study Abroad
HESLB | Higher Education Students Loan Board |
Fisheries Education and Training Agency | FETA |
TCU | Tanzania Commission for Universities |
National Council for Technical Education | NACTE |
Admissions for Universities in Tanzania
Examination Results for Universities in Tanzania
Selected Candidates / Applicants
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