African-German Youth Initiative Innovation Fund

African-German Youth Initiative Innovation Fund

African-German Youth Initiative Innovation Fund

The German Federal Government together with the African Union Commission (AUC) have launched the second call for project proposals under the African-German Youth Initiative (AGYI) Innovation Fund.

The aim of the AGYI-IF is to improve and innovate youth exchange and mobility between African countries and Germany and to develop essential competencies and skills among young individuals from African countries and Germany by focussing on sustainable global development and strengthening the idea of ‘global citizenship’ by reaching directly out to relevant stakeholder (exchange practitioners, alumni).

Eligibility of Actions and Budget Information

The following funding lines are eligible for actions:


  • Support of alumni structures/networks: Enable African alumni from German-African youth exchange programs to act as multipliers for youth exchange and youth voluntary services (African alumni from German-African youth exchange programs as providing sustainability of exchange programs in line with the SDG and the AU Agenda 2063)Budget: EUR 2,000 – EUR 12,000

    Innovative exchange formats and approaches: Promotion of innovative and inclusive approaches of African-German or trilateral youth exchange for skills development in line with the SDG and AU Agenda 2063 (piloting new approaches in African-German/intra-African/in-country youth exchange and youth volunteering)

    Budget: EUR 2,000 – EUR 12,000

    Community based actions: Promote innovative community-based change projects within the context of African-German youth exchange and voluntary youth services to implement AU Agenda 2063 and/or the SDGs

    Budget: EUR 2,000 – EUR 12,000


    The maximum duration of the proposed action is 5 months.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Applicants have to be registered as a non-profit organization.


  • Non-registered youth groups have the possibility to apply under a “parent organization”, which is a registered organization submitting the non-registered youth group’s proposal and signs the funding contract with GFA. This makes the parent organization in all aspects responsible for the contract.
  • The applicant has to be resident in one of the eligible African countries. The applicant’s person in charge of the action must be in the country during the implementation of the action.The eligible countries are: Benin, Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo.


  • A German organization cannot be an applicant. However, a German organization can be a partner for an eligible applicant.The contract will be signed with the eligible applicant.
  • The action must be implemented by youth between 14-35 years of age in case of the eligible action “Support of alumni structures/networks”.For an application to the other eligible actions no age group limitations exist.

    Eligible youth groups acting as applicant are the following:


  • Registered alumni organization (from an African-German youth exchange program or African-German voluntary youth service program)
  • Registered host or sending organization (from an African-German youth exchange program or African-German voluntary youth service program)
  • Registered organization (alumni, sending/host organization) preparing a project in the context of the African-German youth exchange. In this case, a brief description of the project idea and the name of the African-German youth organization foreseen as future partner must be provided
  • Registered parent organization for a non-registered alumni organization.
  • Registered parent organizations can submit a number of applications for different non-registered youth groups with different action titles.Each application has to be submitted individually and will receive an allocated application number.
  • A registered parent organization can submit only one own application to be implemented by the organization itself. The eligibility criteria of the AGYI-IF have to be met.Apply by 28th February.


    For more information and application details, see; African-German Youth Initiative Innovation Fund

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