National Information Technology Authority-Uganda Vacancies 2024-2025

National Information Technology Authority-Uganda Vacancies 2024-2025

The National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U) is an autonomous statutory body established under the NITA-U Act 2009, to coordinate and regulate Information Technology services in Uganda.

NITA-U is under the general supervision of the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance.

Satisfied customers and clients are essential to NITA-U’s success. NITA-U achieves customer satisfaction by understanding what the customer wants and delivering it flawlessly.


Quality and continuous improvement of IT is our work. NITA-U promotes excellent services delivery within the limits of available resources.

Objectives of NITA-U

  1. To provide high quality information technology services to Government;
  2. To promote standardisation in the planning, acquisition, implementation, delivery, support and maintenance of information technology equipment and services, to ensure uniformity in quality, adequacy and reliability of information technology usage throughout Uganda;
  3. To provide guidance and other assistance as may be required to other users and providers of information technology;
  4. To promote cooperation, coordination and rationalisation among users and providers of information technology at national and local level so as to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure optimal utilisation of scarce resources;
  5. To promote and be the focal point of co-operation for information technology users and providers at regional and international levels; and
  6. To promote access to and utilisation of information technology by the special interest groups.

Functions of the Authority

  1. To provide first level technical support and advice for critical Government information technology systems including managing the utilisation of the resources and infrastructure for centralised data centre facilities for large systems through the provision of specialised technical skills;
  2. To identify and advise Government on all matters of information technology development, utilisation, usability, accessibility and deployment including networking, systems development, information technology security, training and support;
  3. To co-ordinate, supervise and monitor the utilisation of information technology in the public and private sectors;
  4. To regulate and enforce standards for information technology hardware and software equipment procurement in all Government Ministries, departments, agencies and parastatals;
  5. To create and manage the national databank, its inputs and outputs;
  6. To set, monitor and regulate standards for information technology planning, acquisition, implementation, delivery, support, organisation, sustenance, disposal, risk management, data protection, security and contingency planning;
  7. To regulate the electronic signature infrastructure and other related matters as used in electronic transactions in Uganda;
  8. To promote and provide technical guidance for the establishment of e-Government, e-Commerce and other e-Transactions in Uganda;
  9. In liaison with other relevant institutions, to regulate the information technology profession in Uganda in order to ensure its effective utilisation promotion and development;
  10. To act as an authentication center for information technology training in Uganda in conjunction with the Ministry responsible for Education;
  11. To provide advice on information technology project management services to Government.
  12. To provide for information management service through acting as a records management facility and an information depository;
  13. To provide guidance on the establishment of an infrastructure for information sharing by Government and related stakeholders;
  14. To provide guidance in information technology audit services to Government.
  15. To undertake and commission research as may be necessary to promote the objects of the Authority;
  16. To arbitrate disputes arising between suppliers of information technology solutions and consumers;
  17. To protect and promote the interests of consumers or users of information technology services or solutions;
  18. To undertake any other activity necessary for the implementation of the objects of the Authority.

Strategic Goals

  1. A rationalized and integrated national Information Technology (IT) infrastructure.
  2. Achieving transaction level e-government services for at least 50% of MDA IT systems.
  3. A well regulated Information Technology (IT) environment in public and private sector.
  4. Strengthened capacity and awareness creation about IT in Uganda (both institutional and human).
  5. IT research and innovations visibly supported and promoted.
  6. Information security championed and promoted in Uganda.
  7. Strengthened and aligned institutional capacity to deliver the strategic plan.
  8. ITES/BPO industry developed and promoted.

How to Apply for National Information Technology Authority-Uganda Vacancies

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