Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LexS) 2024-2025
Elevate Your Studies in the Netherlands
Greetings, enthusiastic learners! A golden opportunity awaits – the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LexS) is now open for applications. This comprehensive guide unveils the details of this scholarship program, its remarkable benefits, and a step-by-step application process.
Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2024-2025 Paving the Path to Excellence
The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship is a tuition fee master’s scholarship tailored for international students. This prestigious scholarship bestows an average amount of €15,000 annually upon its recipients.
A Global Invitation to Aspiring Scholars Championing Academic Brilliance
Calling all international students – the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship invites you to pursue a master’s degree at Leiden University in the Netherlands. These scholarships are fully funded and are bestowed upon bright and promising students.
Exploring the Scholarship Details Illuminate Your Academic Pursuits
- Level of Study: Masters
- Institution: Leiden University
- Study Location: Netherlands
- Courses Offered: All Masters programs in the following Faculties: Humanities, Archaeology, Medicine/LUMC, Law, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Governance and Global Affairs, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Centre, International Institute for Asian Studies
- Program Period: The maximum study period for a 1-year program is 12 months. The maximum study period for a 2-year program is 24 months.
- Application Deadline: February 1 for programs starting on September 1 / October 1 for programs starting on February 1
Embracing Excellence with Scholarship Coverage Empower Your Academic Pursuits
The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LexS) extends the following benefits to its recipients:
- €15,000 of the tuition fee
- €10,000 of the tuition fee
- Total tuition fee minus the statutory tuition fee
Eligibility Criteria Unlocking the Path to Achievement
To be eligible for the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LexS), candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Required Language: English
- Eligible Countries: Non-EU/EEA international students
- Attain excellent study results in prior academic education, relevant to the program of enrollment. As an indication, the student should rank among the top 10% for the relevant program pursued abroad.
- Non-EU/EEA passport holders not eligible for Dutch study grants and loans (“Studiefinanciering”).
- Non-EU/EEA students applying for Advanced Masters programs can also apply for this scholarship.
- Maintain a satisfactory level of academic progress.
Navigating the Application Process Claim Your Excellence
- Initiate the process by applying online for admission to a Master’s program at Leiden University. Ensure payment of the application fee if applicable.
- In the scholarship section of your online application, express your intention to apply for a LExS.
- Compose your LExS motivation letter (maximum 500 words) and upload it as specified in the online application. This letter should articulate why you should be considered for the award.
- Submit your complete online application, inclusive of the LExS application, before the designated LExS application deadline.
- If applying for multiple study programs and seeking a LExS for each, make this evident in each application and attach a corresponding LExS motivation letter.
Embark on Your Journey with Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Ignite Your Academic Success
Immerse yourself in a world of academic brilliance with the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship. Discover an array of master’s programs across multiple faculties, embrace diverse fields of study, and set forth on your educational voyage in the Netherlands. For comprehensive scholarship details and the application process, explore the official Leiden University Excellence Scholarship website. The gateway to academic excellence beckons – seize this chance to shine!