About Kampala International University School of Law

About Kampala International University School of Law

Teaching of law at Kampala International University begun in October, 2002, with an in-take of 65 students from the East Africa countries: Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. During the same academic year, October 2002 – October, 2003, a further fresh in-take of 52 students was made in April, 2003. This made the law programme a parallel-semester programme, with same study-year students of two distinct in-takes having a first and second semester conducted in the same academic year. The years following have seen the School expanding in many aspects ranging from increase in number of students, academic staff, teaching and facilities. The first in-take students graduated in November, 2006, joined the Law Development Centre Kampala for the mandatory Post-Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice the same year.

The School of Law has a plausible line-up of qualified academic staff to train law students and also groom them into the legal profession. Over time, well qualified academicians have joined the School as full time members of staff. Some of them hold Doctorates in Law, and the majority hold at least one Master of Laws (LL.M) Degrees from worldly respectable and recognized Universities.

Kampala International University School of Law Objectives

The objectives of the School of Law are:
1. To train persons, with acceptable educational prerequisites, in the field of Law in order that they get to appreciate the nature and essence of Law; legal problems; legal systems, structures, mechanics; and the influences on, and of Law in society, within Uganda, East Africa, and other countries of the World.

2. To increase the opportunities available in Uganda and the East African Region for provision of legal training, and contribute to the development of society in all spheres through production of competent Law graduates to add to skilled and professional human power in the different sectors: Legal Practitioners (the Bar); Judicial Officers (the Bench); State Attorneys; Law Instructors; Corporate and Tax Lawyers; Legal Advisors and Consultants.

3. To encourage students to use but also apply law as a tool for change or influencing change in their communities and other spheres of life.

4. To provide opportunities for obtaining legal knowledge by persons who require and seek such knowledge, for its own sake to broaden their outlook; self-advancement and capacity enhancement in their various callings; and their harnessing of potential opportunities, within Uganda, and in other countries.

5. To live up to the expectations of a University as a foundry of high-level knowledge in society.

Kampala International University School of Law Departments

Kampala International University School of Law Courses

Kampala International University School of Law Requirements

Kampala International University School of Law Contact Address