Africa Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Studies

Africa Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Studies

Africa Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Studies: The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has made funds available, to be managed by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and awarded as free-standing scholarships in the social and human sciences (SSH), the natural and applied sciences as well as engineering (SET) to postgraduate students from African countries (excluding South Africa).
African Scholarships Eligibility
Scholarships are available to non-South African citizens from African countries for full-time Master’s or doctoral studies at a South African university.
Applications for scholarships are invited from students who are currently enrolled for the degree concerned or who intend registering for the degree.
Please note the following specific eligibility criteria for applications for Master’s and doctoral scholarships:

  • These Scholarships will only be allocated to non-South African citizens from other African countries.
  • Applicants must register for a research Master’s degree, i.e. the thesis component must weigh at least 50% of the final mark. Master’s degrees by course-work only are not supported.
  • Applicants must have obtained an aggregate of at least 60% for the honours/final year BTech subject(s) if they are applying for a Master’s scholarship.
  • Applicants must have obtained an aggregate of at least 60% for the Master’s study if they are applying for a doctoral scholarship.
  • Applicants who will upgrade their Master’s registration to doctoral registration, and who have an indication of the envisaged dates of upgrading and commencement of doctoral studies.
  • Applicants must have obtained their previous degree in the minimum prescribed periodSuccessful applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications by letter thereafter.

    The NRF closing date for applications is 20 November.Applications for these scholarships are available online at; Africa Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Studies
    The names of successful applicants for scholarships will be made known on the NRF home page; Africa Scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Studies by the end of January