Ambrosoli International School

Ambrosoli International School

Ambrosoli International School enjoys an outstanding reputation in the wider community. We have a current student population of 270 children from 44 different nationalities. The school is based around a true community of children, parents, teachers and associated staff, which is augmented by an inclusive and vibrant Parent-Teacher Association.

Ambrosoli International School Curriculum

Learning at Ambrosoli International School

At Ambrosoli, the curriculum is based on a combination of the National Curriculum of England and the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). These two curricula have been chosen as it allows us to ensure our mission and vision are being met: by providing engagement and challenge using creative and inspiring methods in a global setting.

Whenever possible, English and Maths are linked to the IPC unit in meaningful ways which encourage the children to make connections in their learning. Those subjects taken by Specialists- Art, Music, French, Computing, P.E. and Swimming – use IPC units when relevant. The Specialist teachers also follow the National Curriculum of England to enable the constant building of skills and knowledge.

Early Years

Sunflower Class

Sunflower Class is where the youngest children (3-4 year olds) in Ambrosoli grow, learn and develop. We share a large and well resourced free play space where the children have access to a wide range of exciting play opportunities. We are really lucky at Ambrosoli to be able to have specialist teachers too, and therefore our days are busy and fun filled at all times.

A normal day in Sunflowers will see the children exploring new spaces, cooking up something lovely for their snack, engaging in discussion in circle time, being outdoors, discovering new games, jumping into the splash pool, getting messy in the art room, creating new imaginative ideas in the role play or small world areas, engaging in computing and technology, building, problem solving and generally having lots of fun (and that’s just a normal day)!

Reception Class

In Reception we also follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum from England that sets out 7 key learning areas that are achieved largely through play. However maths and literacy are facilitated through small group activities. We use Jolly Phonics to teach sounds and word recognition and the Oxford Reading Tree levelled books as our reading programme.

We are looking forward to watching your child learn and grow, developing their independence, open mindedness and social skills this year!


The Curriculum

English: At Ambrosoli the children’s listening, speaking, reading and writing is developed for a wide range of purposes. Through a strong and cohesive curriculum children are encouraged to express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of nonfiction and media texts.

The National Curriculum for England is used as the core of our English programme. To deliver this we use Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar alongside additional literacy and phonic resources as well as Big Writing and guided reading sessions.

Maths:  The National Curriculum for England outlines the key skills and objectives for each year group, increasing in depth and difficulty as children progress through the school.


Art:  Art lessons at Ambrosoli are an exciting opportunity for children to discover a variety of creative possibilities such as painting, drawing, collage, creating three-dimensional art and much more. The art lessons are often linked to the IPC units being studied.  The children are taught to express themselves freely knowing that their work will be valued for its individuality and creativity.

Music:  Music is a fun session where the children learn how to play instruments, sing a variety of songs and listen to music from different eras and countries. Children compose music, accompany songs and learn how music can affect us.

There are many special opportunities to celebrate music including class assemblies, key stage performances, the annual talent show and the International Schools’ music festival each year.

Ambrosoli International School Admission And Registration

Ambrosoli is a non-selective school educating students from the local and international communities in Uganda, providing where possible, for the special needs of all its students.

Before starting at Ambrosoli International School, the following is required:

  1. Complete a copy of an *Application form* ($150 application fees)
  2.  Offer of school place(s) and meeting with Head of School (if available in the country)
  3. Payment of admission fees to secure the place(s): – $500 Enrolment fees and $1,100 capital levy (per family)
  4. Completion and submission of a full *Enrolment form* with supporting documents
  5. School sends a Confidential Reference Form to your child’s current/previous school (if required)

Fees Structure SY

Once a provisional place has been offered, the student together with their parents/carers/guardians are met by the Head of School. This is to ensure that the school can meet the needs of each student as well as to assess the student’s ability to benefit from the academic programme offered at Ambrosoli. Parents will be obliged to abide by the stipulations listed in the Enrolment Agreement.

All new students will be required to provide:

  1. One passport photograph
  2. A copy of their birth certificate or a copy of their passport including the visa page (unless an East African national)
  3. A transfer report from the previous school.
  4. Medical records of all inoculations received as well as lists of any allergies.

During the interview with the Head of School, parents are encouraged to ask questions about the school. The Head of School will also use the interview as a way to get to know the needs of the student and read previous reports.

If extra learning support is required, then the student will be assessed before entry by the ILN Coordinator. If a student has English as an additional language, then the ILN coordinator may make an additional assessment. If such support is required, then the placement would only be given if the parent agrees to the additional support.

Ambrosoli International School will offer a place to children whose needs can be well matched within our school setting.

When all the necessary documents have been received by the school and finance details have been addressed, children may start in their assigned class. The start date will be agreed on by the Head of School and the family.

Please note that as our school year runs from the beginning of September, the student’s date of birth must correspond to the year groups listed. For example in Reception Class, children must be 4 years old by the 1st of September. Alternative placement (in exceptional circumstances) is at the discretion of the Head of School.

Children can be enrolled throughout the year, according to availability. All Sunflower children need to be toilet trained before starting school.

Our classes are small to give full attention to each child and we aim to keep our class sizes at an optimum level of 22 children, each with a teacher and learning assistant (LA).

Sunflowers (Kindergarten) and Reception make up the Early Years classes

Year 1 and 2 make up Key Stage 1

Years 3-6 make up Key Stage 2

These groupings correspond with the units of study and assessment in the Curriculum for England.

Please read the school’s Admissions Policy which can be found on the website under School Policies.

Contact details

For further information please contact:
Liz Karyeija (Administrator)
Ambrosoli International School,
P.O. Box 10546, Kampala, Uganda
Tel. 0414-220416 / 0312-266777/8

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