2024-2025 Busitema University Government Sponsorship Admission Lists

Busitema University Government Sponsorship Admission Lists 2024-2025

Visit Admission Lists for Universities in Uganda for the admissions lists of all the universities in Uganda

Busitema University Government Sponsorship Admission List 2024-2025

Busitema University Government Sponsorship Admission List 2018 – 2019

Busitema University BU Government Sponsorship Admission List 2017 – 2018

Busitema University Government Sponsorship Admission List 2016 / 2017


Admission Lists for Private Universities in Uganda

38 thoughts on “2024-2025 Busitema University Government Sponsorship Admission Lists”

  1. We appreciate all the services delivered to our nation may almighty God bless the management. Am requesting for daily updates most especially the approved list of students applied for private sporsorship. thax

    • Mukasa, we will definately keep you updated on the approved list of students, just as you have requested.

  2. Wen will the government sponsored students be contacted. Plis how i wish u let me know. And kindly, wat are the benefits of being sponsored by the government?! Thank u ……am in need of more information my number is 0754693127

    • Government Sponsored students have their fees subsidized by the government. Hence spend less on tuition compared to private students. If your name appeared on the admission list, then you should pick your admission form at the registrars office. Date for academic work shall be communicated to you.

    • Muswabu, kindly subscribe to our free email alerts to stay informed.

  3. When will the Busitema university admission lists for private students2016-2017 be released?

    • The admission list are expected to be released between the periods of June-July. We shall keep you updated once you have subscribed to the email list.

  4. When Will Kabale University Government Admission List Be Released?

  5. Thanks a lot for the great service to our community we appreciate and be blessed.please would like to know when diploma entry scheme list may be released and how to access it.thank you

    • Dorah,the list if not released before the ending of this month, is most likely to be released early july. The list shall be published here. If you are a subscriber, then an email notification shall be delivered.

  6. please I would like to apply for a govt university over there,please I need some one to help me out.thanks

    • Sunday, the government universities are yet to commence 2017 / 2018 intakes. Which should begin mid of 2017 where application forms shall be available. Visit our homepage for more details on admissions to universities in Uganda.

  7. Well just let us know please in case of any information updates

  8. Thanx 4 Yo Service, But I Just Wanted To Kno When Will Da Busitema Goverment Sponsorship List Be Released ,,, Pliz Inform Me Thanx.

  9. When will admission letter be ready for those who got government sponsorship 2017/2018

  10. when are the government students picking their admission forms please inform us coz we are point blank abt it

  11. when is the diploma entry scheme admission list for 2017/2018 academic year out? because i applied for a degree in agriculture mechanization and irrigation engineering under the diploma entry scheme as i hold a diploma in water and sanitation engineering honors second class upper division

  12. when are we picking our admission forms at the busitema university

  13. Hello. When should we expect the pre entry examinations results for Bachelors in medicine and surgery to be out?

    • Elly, the Busitema University Pre entry examination results for bachelors in medicine and surgery is expected within the month of July.

    • Lukwita, busitema University private admission list for 2017 – 2018 is yet to be released. Kindly check back.

  14. please help me out I want to see busitema private admission list for 2017/2018 help me send to my email

  15. Can i pick admission for busitema university in Kampala at there office.

    • Yes Brian, you can pick up your admission letter at the Busitema University Kampala Office


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