Call for Fellowships for Young Africans

Call for Fellowships for Young Africans

CPN‐Africa hereby wishes to inform all eligible “Young” African Scientists about the FP7‐Africa ‐ Call topics that were proposed by Africans and are directed mainly towards Africa’s research needs in the areas of Health, Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology.

In view of getting European partners with whom to collaborate in the writing and implementation of their projects, CPN‐Africa is offering fellowships to eligible “Young” African Scientists to sponsor a 4‐week trip to Europe to search for and find European partners with whom to write up and submit a project related to this call.

In an attempt to give the YAS a better understanding of the FP7, its calls, to help in the writing of project proposals and in partner search, CPN‐Africa will be organising a series of regional Information Days and workshops within the months of October and November with the possibility of sponsorship.

These will increase the chances of YAS to compete for the EU grants.

Applications should include;


  • an updated curriculum vitae,
  • a project proposal and partnership with a European research group.

The selection will take place during the upcoming MIM Malaria Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, and the results published on 6th of November.

Applications should be forwarded to the following respective Regional Contact Points:

Western and Central African Region

Mr. Akindeh NJI Email:

Eastern African Region

Dr. Steven Kiwuwa Email:

Southern African Region

Dr. Emmanuel Kafwembe Email:

Application Deadline;

The deadline for applications for these travel grants is October 30th.

The deadline for this Call is the 14th of January.

For more information and application, please see; Call for Fellowships for Young Africans Website

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