Consultancy Jobs – TOR for Consultancy Services to Develop a Management Information System (MIS) – Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF)

Consultancy Jobs – TOR for Consultancy Services to Develop a Management Information System (MIS) – Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF)


Consultancy Title:    Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services to Develop a Management Information System (MIS)

Organisation: Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF)

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda


Request for Proposals



Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF) was established in 2015 as a regional grant-making child rights and social justice organization. CRVPF’s goal is to provide grants and capacity development support to community organizations and local NGOs working at community levels to prevent violence against children (VAC) and empower adolescent girls. We believe community organizations and local NGOs are closer to the community and better understand their needs than other development actors. CRVPF is mainly working in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia, with about 85 partners organized in 27 clusters across the countries, reaching over 200,000 children, parents & teachers.


CRVPF has been undergoing a process of defining its monitoring, evaluation & learning frameworks, and the specific indicators that need to be collected by the organization and its partners. Data within and from its partners has been reported using various formats, majorly in M.S. word that is not analysable with statistical software. This has made it difficult to compare findings and progress across programs, clusters, and countries, share lessons learned, document scientific evidence, and report to various stakeholders.


We require a Data Management Services Consultant to set up and maintain a standardized electronic database and archiving system for storage, preservation, analysis, visualization, and reporting/sharing/publishing. The consultant will also be required to build the capacity of CRVPF staff to use and maintain the database.


Objectives Of The Consultancy 

This consultancy’s main objective is to develop a database for CRVPF that will enable better management of grants, monitoring, and reporting on both the organization and partners’ achievements. The consultant will work closely with the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Coordinator and Grant’s and Finance Coordinator:

  • To build the management information system for CRVPF, which covers the following departments: Grant management, Programs & Monitoring, Evaluation & a Learning forum, Finance, and Human resources.
  • Determine the best kind of database that fits the organization’s needs,
  • Build the database based on the set indicators and data that are needed,
  • Train CRVPF staff on operating and maintaining the management information system, team members for data entry, extraction, and maintenance of the system.


It is expected that the consultant will:

  • Meet with CRVPF staff to determine/confirm requirements (Needs Assessment)
  • Identify the best Management Information System design that will meet the following criteria:
  • User friendly by the partners and organizations that have a low computing capability
  • Possibility of using software/database application over the entire Grant/project lifecycle (planning, approval, implementation, evaluation, and completion)
  • Centralized storage of organization’s documents (proposals, reports, photos, videos, etc.)
  • archive functions
  • Real-time record of tasks
  • Automated register for applications, reports, and other templates
  • Ability to aggregate and disaggregate data to generate reports based on specific fields
  • Tracking work plans, milestones, and reporting deadlines
  • Tracking up-to-date financial details (amounts disbursed and transfers, funding streams, total project budget, approved budget, etc.)
  • Notes function regarding adjustments, changes, and lessons learned
  • Standardized fillable fields to input various organisation’s data.

The system should also:

  1. Have web-based front end data entry tools using appropriate and efficient web technologies as well as web-based querying tools for data retrieval;
  2. Ensure data retrieval/exchange capability with other national and regional structures systems and databases as agreed in the first part of the assignment;
  3. Have relevant import/export capabilities to pre-designed templates or databases;
  4. Display summary pages showing data from all available sources, aggregate statistics, and summary visuals which illuminate what is and is not working;
  5. Present summary dashboards showing progress towards CRVPF’s strategic objectives, Programs, clusters, countries as well as regional progress;
  6. Allow users to overlay and compare data on activities, outputs, and outcomes with data on program spending and aggregated results against program indicators data;
  7. Provide administrators with intuitive tools for reconciling discrepancies between various data sources and a clear indication if any link between systems becomes inoperable or offline;
  8. Provide administrators with tools for defining core headline indicators and defining the relationship between those indicators and higher-level program objectives;
  9. Provide a database administration module, allowing for advanced user management, with a staggered set of privileges for different users as well as user authorization, tracking/authorizing changes to results hierarchy, database download, online backup, and other necessary features; and
  10. Integration with a learning and Knowledge Management platform in place.


Qualification & Experience

Educational Qualifications: Interested individual consultants or lead developer for consulting firms should hold:

  • A Master’s degree in Computer science, Information Technology, Information management, or another related discipline
  • At least five years’ experience in developing Management Information Systems solutions and providing I.T. support and maintenance services;
  • Proven professional experience in developing and managing databases within the non-profit sector;
  • Proven professional experience in web technologies, including their development and deployment, and development of web-based information systems; and
  • Good understanding of Grants Management and Results-Based Management Concepts.
  • At least two references of previously developed management and reporting system for a Not for Profit organization.


Deliverable and Schedule

The consultant will deliver the following:

  1. Inception report: Detailing in-depth understanding of the tasks involved.
  2. User and systems requirements analysis report.
  3. The Systems design report detaining the Prototype designs and schema.
  4. Management Information Systems User /training manuals.
  5. The training and piloting activity. The consultant shall support the piloting process with one of the CRVPF partners to capture all the grant processes into the information System.
  6. The closeout report detailing recommendations for future program improvements.

The management information system’s final approval (MIS) will be the Executive Director’s prerogative to kick-start the (MIS) rollout among other clusters being supported. During the proposal writing, the consultant is free to suggest different timelines with justifiable reasons, which will be considered during the proposal evaluation process.



  1. The consultant shall sign a non-disclosure agreement and maintain strict confidentiality on any information accessed from CRVPF. This condition shall apply even after the end of the contract.
  2. The consultant shall install the database and demonstrate the functionality of the database to CRVPF for final approval.

3. The consultant shall provide on-call technical assistance for about three months from the close of the contract.


Budget and Payment

The interested consultant should submit a budget and a work plan detailing how the MIS development activity shall be implemented. All payment is subject to verification of works at every agreed phase. The consultant proposes the payment plan to be decided on during the negotiation with the selected bidder.


Selection Criteria:

Consultants are invited to submit technical and financial proposals based on the Terms of Reference. The selection process will focus on:

  • Understanding of the subject and objective of the consultancy;
  • Methodology suggested;
  • Qualifications, experiences, and competencies;
  • Budget;
  • Task Schedule;


How to Apply:

Interested candidates will be expected to provide the following documentation:

  • Detailed Technical proposal in response to the Terms of Reference.
  • A brief description of the consultant; outlining evidence of recent experience of the consultant on assignments of a similar nature.
  • Financial proposal and Work plan indicating respective cost centers.
  • Company profile or Curriculum Vitae in case of individual consulting.


The original and all technical proposal copies shall be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Technical proposal.” The original and all copies of the financial proposal in a separate sealed envelope marked “Financial proposal.” Both envelopes should be enclosed in a single outer envelope, clearly marked “Consultancy for MIS development” and the consultant’s name.

Please submit one copy (in hard & soft)


Proposal documents should be submitted by 20 March 2021, not later than 16:00 hrs.

Email softcopy to


Disclaimer: Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF) works with Community Organizations and Local NGOs towards safeguarding children’s rights. We need to keep children safe, so our selection process reflects our commitment to ensuring that only those suitable to work with children are considered for the assignment.


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