DAAD Scholarship Programme
DAAD Scholarship Programme for Developing Countries: DAAD Scholarships for Developing Countries have benefited hundreds of African students since inception.
The scholarships are given each year to postgraduate students wishing to study for a master‘s or PhD degree.
DAAD does not sponsor undergraduate studies in Africa.
The DAAD scholarships can support students who want to study in their country (In Country Scholarships) or abroad.
DAAD Scholarships – Requirements
- Bachelor degree first class honours or second class honours upper division
- Age limit: 36 years.DAAD Scholarships – Master in GermanyAre you an ambitious young professional with a good bachelor’s degree not older than 6 years, or below the age of 36, with at least two years of professional experience and want to further your career?
Mostly taught in English, the courses are in the fields of Economics, Engineering, Regional Planning, Agriculture, Health, Law and more.
DAAD Scholarship – PhD in Germany
Are you an ambitious young scholar with a master’s degree (completed less than 6 years ago), would like to experience the German scientific world and earn a PhD from a German university? See the information below.
DAAD is offering Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Scientists and Academics for the academic year 2017/18 to pursue a Ph.D. in Germany. The scholarships are open to all fields of research.
DAAD offers eight scholarships to Kenyans and Kenyan residents with an excellent Master’s degree.
Twenty additional scholarships for Kenyan University staff members are jointly offered by DAAD and the Government of Kenya (GoK) . This programme is administered by the National Council for Science and Technology (NCST).
Also, in collaboration with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, twenty scholarships are on offer for staff members of Tanzanian public Universities. This programme is administered by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
There is no age limit, but the Master’s degree must not be older than six years at the time of application.
For further information, please get in touch with: DAAD: Anja Bengelstorff – NCST: Boniface Wanyama – TCU: Linda Kiyanga Kissoly
Please be aware that some additional scholarships are available for residents of Eastern and Southern African countries holding an excellent Master’s degree.
The same conditions apply. Further information can be obtained from Anja Bengelstorff.
Also contact DAAD Nairobi office (for Kenyan residents) – DAAD Information Centre Johannesburg (for South African residents) – your respective German Mission abroad (for residents of all other Eastern and Southern African countries).
DAAD Scholarship Programmes – Application Deadlines: Different for each country.
For more information and application, see; DAAD Scholarship Programmes
- Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation
- BSc Electronic and Computer Engineering Scholarships, Politecnico di Torino
- Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD Scholarships
- Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering Scholarships
- Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management Scholarships
- Doctorate Scholarships in Membrane Engineering
- Education for Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships
- Electric Power Engineering Grants – Chalmers University of Technology
- Engineering International Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students
- Engineering Masters Scholarships for International Students
- European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Scholarships
- Fellowships for Engineers and Transport Managers
- Full MSc Water and Waste Engineering Scholarships – Distance Learning
- Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy Scholarships
- Master of Physical Land Resources Engineering Scholarships
- Master of Water Resources Engineering Scholarships
- Master in Materials Science Scholarships
- Masters in Sanitary Engineering Scholarships
- Master PhD Scholarship Urban Engineering
- Master Scholarships in Biomedical Engineering
- Master Scholarships in Technologies for Embedded Computing
- Materials Science and Engineering Scholarships
- Mechanical Engineering Scholarships
- Mo Ibrahim Foundation Leadership Fellowships
- MSc Computer & Engineering Scholarships
- MSc in Environmental Engineering Grants – Luleå University of Technology
- MSc in Material Engineering Scholarships
- Niger Delta Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme
- ORS Awards for Mphil and PhD Engineering students
- PhD Software Engineering Grants- Syddansk Universitet, Denmark
- Scarce Skills Scholarship Programme
- Special Scholarships in Engineering, Kochi University of Technology – Japan