Dr Amit Sengupta Fellowships on Health Rights in India

Dr Amit Sengupta Fellowships on Health Rights in India.

Dr Amit Sengupta Fellowships on Health Rights in India

Applications are now open for the Dr. Amit Sengupta Fellowship on Health Rights, it would be awarded to a young health activist who works in the area on health rights, particularly for the vulnerable sections of the society, demonstrating leadership qualities and commitment to bring scientific temper and awareness about health rights.

Dr. Amit Sengupta was one of the founding members and Associate Global Coordinator of Peoples’ Health Movement (PHM).

He was the Co-Convenor of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA), the Indian Chapter of PHM. Dr. Amit also led the Delhi Science Forum (DSF) and All India Peoples ’ Science Network (AIPSN).

Trained as a medical doctor, Amit dedicated his life to the struggle for right to health and universal access to health, and worked on issues related to public health, pharmaceuticals policy and intellectual property rights. His life and work has inspired many young activists and researchers to join Health and science movements in India and around the world.

Funding Information

The Fellowship will be awarded for a duration of one year with a stipend up to INR One Lakh only.

Terms of Fellowship


  • The duration of the Fellowship would be 12 months.
  • The awardee would have to undertake action research on health rights during the period of the fellowship.The fellow would have to submit a progress report every four months. At the end of the Fellowship period of 12 months, the fellow should submit the research work along with a presentation.

    There will be a technical expert committee constituted to monitor the action research over the period of the Fellowship.

    Eligibility Criteria


  • Only Indian citizens can apply;
  • Applicants should be below 35 years of age;
  • Should possess at least 3 years of experience of working among vulnerable communities; Preference would be given to applicants from the marginalised groups including SC/ST/Religious minorities and women.Apply by 15th June.


    For more information and application details, see; Dr Amit Sengupta Fellowships on Health Rights in India

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