Earn about 4m as Communication and Capitalization Officer at Enabel
Job Title: Communication and Capitalization Officer
Organization: Enabel
Duty Station: Uganda
Salary Package: UGX 3,900,000 and UGX 4,300,000
Reports to: International Intervention Manager for the SSU-Ireland Aid Project
About US:
Enabel (Belgian development agency, formerly BTC), together with different Government Ministries, are implementing the bilateral co-operation between Uganda & Belgium.
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
Coordination of communication and visibility activities (50%)
- Lead the implementation of the communication strategy of SSU
- Lead activities for awareness raising of Skills Development with a focus on Karamojong especially women
- Become the Focal Point on Communication and Visibility for the SSUKaramoja program
- Be the Single Point of Contact on Communication and Visibility for SDF (Skills Development Fund) grantees
- Contribute to the strengthening of partnerships with the Private Sector and Livelihood Actors
- Organizing high-level events with national and regional representatives from Embassies, Ministries, Humanitarian & Development actors and Private Sector towards the promotion of the Skilling Uganda Strategy
- Design, production and dissemination of communication and visibility materials
- Conduct regular monitoring visits in the different districts of Karamoja
- Regular updating of social media platforms and project websites
- Write scripts and story board development, editing, packaging and narrations to produce high-quality compelling video’s together with a videography team
- Maintaining relations with local, national and international press, writing press releases and radio spots Capitalization and Reporting (30%)
- Compile best practices and lessons learned of the SSU Karamoja component for dissemination purposes using visual aids
- Collect, edit and publish of human-interest stories for Enabel and the donor
- Contribute to SDF progress and activity reports and compile lessons learned from SDF supported activities Advocacy and knowledge sharing (20%)
- Taking the lead in the roll-out of a gender-sensitive awareness campaigns to promote skills development for the Karamojong, especially women
- Supporting VTIs (Vocational Training Institutes) in promotion campaign on Skills Development in Karamoja
- Ensure the mainstreaming of cross cutting issues in the communication of the project, including gender, disability, environment and HIV-AIDS
- Support knowledge sharing on communication in BTVET provision at regional level targeting different social and gender groups;
Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
- The ideal candidate for the Enabel Communication and Capitalization Officer job must hold a Master’s Degree in Communication, Journalism, Public relations
- Five years of proven, relevant experience in communication and Journalism
- Experience working for civil society, bilateral or a multilateral agency
- Fluent in English
- Knowledge of Nga’ Karimojong is an added value (Spoken and Written);
- Excellent editing and reporting skills
- Proven photography skills
- Soft skills such as to work in a team, to work autonomously, etc.
- Detail-oriented and proactive
- ICT skills in Word, PowerPoint, social media platforms, Excel, using laptops, smartphones and tablets
- Desirable:
- Knowledge of design software (InDesign, Illustrator, etc.), knowledge of website management (CMS, Word Press)
Salary Package: Enabel will offer a gross salary package of between USH, 3,900,000 and USH 4,300,000, medical insurance and a 13th Month package paid in December. Salary is accordance to relevant years of experience.
How to Apply:
On-line applications to be submitted to: Click Here Go to current vacancies, choose International and start your application process. Remember to change the Language to English at the top right corner of the page.
For Hard Copy applications:
Interested applicants should submit their hard copy applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) of 4 pages maximum and copies of relevant academic documents with names of at least 3 professional referees; their emails and telephone contacts to:
The Human Resource Officer,
Enabel in Uganda
Plot 1B Lower Kololo Terrace
P.O. Box 40131, Kampala.
Deadline: Friday 1st February, 2019 by 5pm