Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management Scholarships (MESPOM)

Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management Scholarships (MESPOM)

The Masters Course in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management Scholarships (MESPOM) are provided by the European Union.

The programme is operated by a consortium of four leading European institutions for environmental research and postgraduate education – the Central European University (Hungary), Lund University(coordinating institution, Sweden), the University of the Aegean (Greece) and the University of Manchester (UK).

MESPOM prepares students for developing integrated solutions to environmental challenges, especially in an international context.

It offers a comprehensive inter- and multi-disciplinary curriculum in environmental studies that challenges students’ ability to integrate theory and practice for systematic analysis, holistic understanding, and management of diverse environmental issues in various social contexts.

In addition to their academic work, students develop research, communication and other professional skills, learn to orient themselves in European and worldwide networks of environmental institutions and elaborate relevant career objectives and strategies.

The MESPOM study programme lasts two years. The first year is spent at CEU, Budapest with a field course at the University of the Aegean, Lesvos.

During the first half of the 2nd year students can choose to study at Lund or Manchester.

The 4th (research) semester may be hosted by any of the Consortium partners.

The European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus programme provides scholarships to outstanding students from countries outside the European Union to attend MESPOM and to scholars to participate in teaching and research.

All MESPOM graduates receive Master of Science (MSc) degrees from CEU, Lund University and the University of Manchester.

For more scholarship information and application, see: Masters Course in Environmental Sciences Scholarships Website