Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships: The Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships are awarded for study in London, Barcelona, Antwerp and Leiria.
Programme length: 2 years
Number of places: 30
Entry Requirements:
Applicants need a good 1st degree recognised by the Masters consortium in a related field such as languages and translation.
English Language Qualifications:
International students will need an English Language qualification of either IELTS 6.5 (6.0 minimum in all sections) or TOEFL 575 (232 computer based).
Selection Process:
The call for applications will be made in July of every year and open for 6 months (closing date January of the following year). This allows students ample time to obtain their necessary English Language qualification.
Applications are checked on arrival to ensure that the candidates meet the entry criteria.
Those applications that meet the criteria are carried forward and independently checked by 3 Roehampton staff and given a score on their basic information.
Relevant first degree, degree classification (additional points are given for relevant first degree in Translation or related field), degree of classification, English Language score and work experience.
The additional weighting comes from the personal statement in which marks are given for academic experience, motivation, work experience, professional qualifications, evident aims/outcomes from studying on the programme, reasons for applying and academic interest.
Scholarship Information:
The EU Commission will grant scholarship to highly qualified third-country graduate students and scholars—to students to follow a selected Erasmus Mundus Masters Course, to scholars to carry out teaching and research assignments and scholarly work in the institutions participating in the Course.
Students and scholars must apply to Roehampton University.
The MA SEN consortia will apply to the Commission for Scholarship funds. Scholarships are paid through the MA SEN consortia.
Graduate students would receive a grant of EURO 42,000 for 24 months study. Scholar students would receive a grant of EURO 13,000 for 3 months study.
For more scholarship information and application: Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships
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