Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship

Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship

Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship: The Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics scholarship consist of twenty monthly instalments of 1600 euro and a yearly fee of 5000 euro to cover expenses, like subscription fees, insurances and travel.

The Erasmus Mundus MSc programme in Photonics is a 2-year (120 ECTS credits) program, with the students spending one year in one European country and the other year in another country.

The qualification obtained is a double degree awarded by the two countries in which the student has studied.

In Belgium, Ghent University and the Free University of Brussels jointly award the degree of Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Photonics.

In the U.K., the University of St. Andrews and Heriot-Watt University will also award the degree of Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Photonics.

In Sweden, the Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm will award the Degree of Master of Science with a major in Electrical Engineering, specialisation in Photonics.

The Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics offers admission to applicants who appear to have the highest potential for graduate study.

The minimum graduate admission requirements are:


  • A bachelor’s degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution.
  • Sufficient English language ability.

For more information see; Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship Website