European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme

European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme

European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme: Highly qualified students from outside Europe applying for the European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme can apply for Erasmus Mundus scholarships.

To be eligible for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for Non-Europeans a student must;


  • Be a resident of a non EU country
  • Not have carried out his/her main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the past five years in an EU country nor an EU applicant country.


  • Criteria for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship applicants:
  • Excellent first degree (a minimum of a bachelors degree with honours or the equivalent) with excellent grades and/or other study results
  • Verified excellent quality of the institution where the first degree was obtained
  • Strongly convincing letter of motivation
  • Strongly convincing recommendation by an academic and/or professional body
  • Clear idea of research to be carried out and submitted as a thesis
  • Professional experience
  • Internationally recognised English proficiency certificate equivalent to a TOEFL score of 550/213 or an IELTS score of 6.Scholarship awards are 24.200,00 Euro per selected student. This amount is to be applied towards the students’ tuition fees, study-related travel expenses, and living expenses.

Applicants who wish to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarships should submit an application along with the required documents to: tropEd – European Masters Programme in International Health Educational Programme Office, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Spandauer Damm 130, Haus 10, 14050 Berlin, Germany.

Application deadline; December 15th.

For more details and application, visit: European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme