GCD Visiting Fellowship for International Students
GCD Visiting Fellowship: The Governance of Clean Development (GCD) Project is now inviting applications for the first of its visiting fellowships, offering the opportunity for a practitioner or academic to work alongside the GCD team at the University of East Anglia on a topic relating to governance of clean development.
The selected candidate will be based at the University of East Anglia (UEA) for a period of 4 – 6 weeks between March and June.
The candidate will work closely with the GCD team to produce an agreed output on a theme relevant to the research programme on clean development.
This will include opportunities for meetings with key actors in clean energy governance in London and at the Tyndall Centre, conference participation and exchange of ideas with senior academics in the School of International Development and other schools at UEA.
The fellowship includes international and UK travel costs, visa, insurance, accommodation in UK and a small per diem. Salary replacement costs are not covered.
The visiting fellowship scheme is open to academics and practitioners working on topics relating to the governance of clean energy.
Candidates from India, Argentina and South Africa are particularly encouraged to apply (since these are the countries where we are doing most of our field work), but we are open to applications from candidates working in relevant areas from across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
For more information and application, visit: GCD Visiting Fellowship Website