Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan

Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan

Graduate Scholarships in Reproductive Health Law: Graduate Scholarships in Reproductive Health are designed to permit law graduates from Africa who have an interest in human rights and women’s health in their own countries, to undertake advanced research and study in this emerging field of law.

The scholarship is designed to enable students to explore the legal and ethical issues in reproductive and sexual health, such as the multiple causes of maternal mortality; barriers to availability of and access to reproductive health services; the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS; and abusive sexual relationships.

Students are encouraged to select other courses relevant to their plan of study, such as courses addressing medical law and ethics; national and international protection of human rights including women’s rights; family law issues including violence against women; feminism and the law; law and development; and law and society issues.

The Scholarships cover tuition and incidental fees, provide a stipend of $15,000 and books.

This scholarship is open to any graduate student from the targeted regions.

After completion of their Fellowship, a Fellow must return to their home country and reside there for a minimum of two years.

The purpose of the two-year home residency requirement is to ensure that Fellows fulfil the objective the Fellowship programme, the international protection and promotion of reproductive and sexual rights.

To be eligible for admission to graduate studies applicants must have a law degree.

Contact information: Graduate Admissions,

Tel: 416-978-0213.

Fax: 416-978-2648.

E-mail: law.graduate [at]

For more information see; Graduate Scholarships in Reproductive Health Law – Bright future scholarships


List of International Scholarships