Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa

Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa

Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa: With funds provided by Microsoft Research Ltd, TWAS and AAS encourage the organization of scientific activities on the theme of Computer Science in Africa by offering financial assistance to the organizers of conferences, workshops, symposia and special meetings held in Africa. The support is normally provided in the form of travel grants for principal speakers from abroad and/or participants from developing countries other than the country where the meeting is held.

Supported speakers should be from not-for-profit research organizations.

The amount provided does not exceed Euro 4,000.

Grants are offered for meetings in the field of Computer Science.

Grants Applications Eligibility Criteria:


  • TWAS, AAS and Microsoft Research Ltd. only consider applications made by the organizers of international and regional scientific meetings being held in Africa.
  • Employees of TWAS, AAS and Microsoft Research Ltd., as well as employees of other industry research laboratories and anyone involved in the administration of this award, are not eligible.
  • TWAS, AAS and Microsoft Research Ltd. do not provide support to individual scientists wishing to attend a scientific event, even if the event is taking place in a developing country.
  • Local authorities must share in the responsibility for the event and should give proper support. Each application must show at least a (conditional) matching contribution from local sources.

    The grant is intended only for air tickets.

    Deadline: 1st September and December.

    For more information and application, visit: Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa Website

List of International Scholarships 


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