How to become a chartered accountant in Namibia

How to become a chartered accountant in Namibia

How to become a chartered accountant in Namibia

What is Chartered Accountant?

A chartered accountant is the most highly qualified accountancy professional in many countries across the world. The term refers to professional accountants whose qualifications give them the authority to carry out specific activities in the accountancy spectrum.

Where and how to become a chartered Accountant in Namibia

Before you become a chartered accountants in Namibia, you need to get Bachelor of Accounting (Chartered Accountancy). A candidate must hold a valid Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) or any other equivalent qualification. If you choose to become a chartered accountant, your career is likely to be stable with strong demand for your skills. Depending on the degree course you choose, it will take you four to five years to complete your degree at a university.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to study chartered accountant in Namibia?

An Honours degree, Certificate in Theory of Accountancy (CTA), Articles of clerkship, final exams and applying for a Chartered Accountant membership are all part of the journey to being able to write CA (SA) or similar.

How long do you study to become a CA in Namibia?

If you choose to become a chartered accountant, your career is likely to be stable with strong demand for your skills. Depending on the degree course you choose, it will take you four to five years to complete your degree at a university.

How many chartered accountants are in Namibia?

As of 1 April 2019, the Institute has 2,91,698 members out of which 1,92,857 are associates and 98,841 are fellows.

Can I become a CA without maths in Namibia?

You can apply for the exam without Maths. Mathematics is not mandatory for CA-CPT. Even students from science and humanities stream can appear for CA-CPT. But you have to be familiar with basic maths as there is a subject Quantitative Aptitude (Business Mathematics and statistics).

Can you become a CA with BCom general in Namibia?

A student who wants to become a CA; MUST register for a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree provided he/she meet the admission requirements for this degree. BCom degree (also known as BCom general or BCom Double Major No Law-DMNL), offers students a wide variety of MAJOR choices.

What does chartered accountant do in Namibia?

Chartered accountants are professionals who work in various sectors of the economy, managing the finances of an entity, providing financial advice and helping out with money management. This can be for a business, individual or government.

Is CA difficult than MBBS in Namibia?

Both CA and MBBS are almost equally difficult – you have to work hard and study extensively in order to complete both these degrees.

Is CA a stressful job in Namibia?

No, pursuing CA is not a stressful job. Candidates opted for CA has to do hard work for preparing for the CA exams. They need to devote more of their time to preparations.

How many years does it take to be an accountant in Namibia?

For most accounting jobs, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree, which usually takes four years to complete. Once you’re out of school, you can take on an entry-level position like staff accountant, tax staff, or junior internal auditor.

Are Chartered Accountants in demand in Namibia?

A Chartered Accountant (CA) is the highest professional qualification in accounting in South Africa and CA’s are most in demand in the job market.

How many hours do CA work in Namibia?

The articled assistants should undergo practical training in accordance with the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 as explained hereinafter. The working hours for the articled assistants shall be 35 hours in a week excluding the lunch break.

Is CA better than IIT in Namibia?

Both courses have better scope with little difference in programme and procedures of ca or icwai. follow respective website of icai and icmai.

Is 40 too old to become an accountant in Namibia?

Age is not a deciding factor at all. If you visit some CPA coaching centres, you will find people from 21/22 to 50/55 years old also doing CPA. Everybody has their own reasons for doing it, but they do it. So you are never too old for gaining new knowledge.

What do chartered accountants do on a daily basis in Namibia?

Chartered accountants usually go through various financial documents while noting these transactions for future references. They also use the data for additional responsibilities such as taxation, spending and earning reports.

Are chartered accountants unemployed in Namibia?

No CA can’t be unemployed ever. even if you are sitting at home you will find people coming to you automatically for consultation and tax returns. Yes there are some CA who remain unemployed because they took dummy articleship and lack necessary skills required to become chartered accountant.

What is Chartered Accountant?

A chartered accountant is the most highly qualified accountancy professional in many countries across the world. The term refers to professional accountants whose qualifications give them the authority to carry out specific activities in the accountancy spectrum.

Where and how to become a chartered Accountant in Namibia

Before you become a chartered accountants in Namibia, you need to get Bachelor of Accounting (Chartered Accountancy). A candidate must hold a valid Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) or any other equivalent qualification. If you choose to become a chartered accountant, your career is likely to be stable with strong demand for your skills. Depending on the degree course you choose, it will take you four to five years to complete your degree at a university.


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