Huawei offers Tsh. 65m/- to boost SUZA TV

Huawei offers Tsh. 65m/ to boost SUZA TV

HUAWEI Technologies Co. Ltd offered the fund support to the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) so as to help the operation of “remote TV-learning” programmes which aim to foster digital education material training and knowledge transfer for middle school students being part of their “Seeds for the Future” programme in Zanzibar.

The handing over ceremony of US $ 30,000 took place at Tunguu campus on Wednesday 4th January, 2017 in which His Excellency Mr. Xie Xiuouwu, the People’s Republic of China Consul General in Zanzibar on behalf of HUAWEI Technologies Co. Ltd handed over a cheque of the said amount.

The event was also witnessed by Honourable Riziki Pembe Juma, the Zanzibar Minister of Education and Vocational Training who in her welcome speech to H.E. Mr. Xiuouwu informed that the government of Zanzibar is very much thankful for a number of notable contributions in many sectors offered by the government of the People’s Republic of China to Zanzibar.

“China has been a good friend and partner of Zanzibar since a long time ago, you cannot talk of Zanzibar’s development without mentioning China,” she said. “We welcome HUAWEI to share its global ICT experience to us, give their advice and participate in Zanzibar ICT innovation,” Hon. Riziki continued to say.

She requested HUAWEI to continue donating more for the benefit of the people of Zanzibar especially in the area of ICT services and informed that the State University of Zanzibar is soon hoping to establish its new School of Computing, Communication and Media; she appealed to HUAWEI also to think of supporting the establishment of this school.

In his remarks, His Excellency Mr. Xie Xiuouwu stated HUAWEI believes that access to education is vital to create opportunities that support fair and sustainable development in the country, therefore, their corporate social responsibility initiatives largely focus on education and knowledge transfer that is why HUAWEI has been connecting the whole part of Tanzania including Zanzibar with innovative information and communication technologies for over 16 years and will continue to do so.

“Through the joint efforts between HUAWEI and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, and local partners, we are glad to see that more than 70% of country’s population is being connected by HUAWEI’s ICT technologies and enjoy the convenience of a digital world,” he explained.

He added that the decision of HUAWEI to support SUZA on its remote TV –Learning project will definitely leverage the teachers shortage and solve or minimize the problem of teaching and learning material shortage situation for most of schools in Zanzibar. “We believe that SUZA“remote TV-learning program” will help a lot on improving education level in middle schools in Zanzibar,” he noted.

Responding to Hon. Riziki’s request, Mr. Xiuouwu informed that as a long-term investor and responsible citizen in Zanzibar, HUAWEI wishes to see a well- developed Zanzibar and that to realize this goal they will continue to bring in more innovative ICT technologies to digitalize Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar in different disciplines. “I believe that with our joint efforts, innovation will transform Zanzibar to a prosperous digital society,” he said.

Prof. Idris Rai, the SUZA Vice Chancellor, while giving his welcome remarks showed his appreciation by saying that SUZA appraises the support offered by HUAWEI pointing out this will largely boost up the production of intended educational programmes hence benefit the stakeholders at large. He urged the donors to continue offering their contributions to the station so as to enliven it.

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