International Travel Grant Award Program

International Travel Grant Award Program

International Travel Grant Award Program:

American Physical Society (APS) is now accepting applications for the International Travel Grant Award Program(ITGAP).

The purpose of the International Travel Grant Award is to promote international scientific collaborations, especially between APS members and physicists in developing countries.

The amount of the award is up to US$2,000 for travel and lodging expenses for international travel while visiting a collaborator.


1. Time limit: Once awarded, the time limit on the use of the award will be a maximum of 5 years.

2. Report: A report, with a 300 word public abstract, is required upon completion of the award; this report will be entered onto APS websites.

3. Bi-directionality: The trip can be in either direction, with preference given for travel from developing countries to developed countries.

4. Preference: Support for the growth of existing collaborations will be given preference over new ones, a measure of the former, for example, being joint publications.


1. Merit

Past record of research accomplishments and promise of future accomplishments; and Invited talks to be delivered during the trip, especially talks at APS-sponsored meetings.

2. Need

Under-represented countries and ethnic groups will be given priority; and Resources available from other sources with matching funds (leverage) will be considered as a positive factor while potential support available, but not sought, from other sources as a negative factor.

Application Dealine: January 3. Applications must be submitted online.

For more detailsInternational Travel Grant Award Program

List of International Scholarships