IUM Namibia Bachelor Degree Digital Communication Technology

IUM Namibia Bachelor Degree Digital Communication Technology

International University Of Management Bachelor Degree Digital Communication Technology

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In general, the African continent is still finding it very difficult to narrow the digital divide compared to the developed countries across the globe. Namibia is not special in respect of this technological divide and still suffers a shortage of well-trained IT specialists and as the IT industry continues with its rapid growth so does that shortage become greater. Digital Communication Technology is the most important tool for day to day teaching and learning. It also impacts on the security of information and data that the millions of people will exchange every minute to do their business and to achieve the academic development.
This degree is designed to make a strong, relevant and practical contribution to Digital Communication Technology and is designed to improve business technology, distance learning methods, business system methods, performance and problem solving.
The programme provides a very strong science and technology foundation for the people of Namibia in line with Vision 2030.
Africa’s potential to embrace fully the advantages of science and technology and business technology has been identified. Technology varies from region to region, and there are advantages to building the digital bridges between regions in Africa.
Faced with complex and ever-evolving challenges, all stakeholders have critical choices to make. New forms of technology, new modes of social and economic organisation and new ways of thinking are called for.
The degree is concerned with the education, design, development, implementation and training of young digital and wireless communication experts who can help to improve and contribute the efficiency and effectiveness of small, medium and large organisations in the private and public sectors.

Programme Outcomes

  • The four year degree programme is broken down into eight Semesters.
  • By the time the student successfully completes this bachelors degree programme, he/she should be able to analyse, design and implement Digital Communication Technology solutions.
  • The student should be able to recognise the multi-disciplinary nature of digital and wireless systems; be familiar with Digital Communication Technology architecture and be able to evaluate and distinguish between Digital Communication Technology service operators in the market.
  • It is important to develop comprehensive and forward-looking capacity building strategies, which would enable people to acquire the skills necessary to benefit from the potential of effective utilization of digital communication and wireless technology.

Objectives (Purpose)

On Successful completion of this degree programme the candidates:

  • Be well equipped to deal with the challenges of analysing, developing, implementing, maintaining and investigating digital and wireless communication systems.
  • Be able to recognise and understand, from a local, regional and global standpoint the technical problems associated with analog, digital and wireless communication methods.
  • Be able to identify problems and develop a range of short term mid-term and long term solutions for effective and stable communication.
  • Be able to effect change, sensitive to the local, regional, national and international standards needed by the authorities regulating communication systems.

Field Projects
There will be field projects in each of the second, third and fourth years. The second year project will be carried out in groups of four students. The third year project will be carried out in pairs and the final year field project will be an individual assignment. All projects will be assessed.

Course Structure

Year – 1 (100 Credits)
Semester – 1 Semester – 2
Fundamentals of Electronics Analog & Digital Electronics
Business Communication I Digital ICs and Application
Introduction to Visual Studio & .NET Applications Digital Computer Design
Mathematics I Introduction to Computer Networks
Introduction to Regional Economics Study of Operating Systems
Computer Studies I
Year – 2 (120 Credits)
Semester – 1 Semester – 2
Information Security in the Business Environment Power Electronics
Distributed Networking & Communication Digital Communication Systems
Object Oriented Programming through JAVA Telecom Networks and Services
Regional Database Management Systems (RDBMS) Principles of Mobile Communication and Radio Networks
Fundamentals of Telecommunication Systems WiMax Network Systems
Year – 3 (120 Credits)
Semester – 1 Semester – 2
Principles of Electronic Communication systems Industrial Attachment (Full Time)
Digital Network Management and Maintenance
Optical Fibre Technology
ATM and IP Networks
Frame Relay and X25 Data Services
Year – 4 (140 Credits)
Semester – 1 Semester – 2
Research Project – Phase I Research Project – Phase II
Introduction to Satellite Communications
Select any 2 subjects Below: Select any 2 subjects below:
Digital Signal Processing Advanced DSL and IP Networks
VVLSI Technologies Introduction to Cryptography
VOICE Switching Communication Passport Engineer

International University Of Management IUM Namibia Admissions

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