IUM Namibia Higher Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management Course

IUM Namibia Higher Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management Course

International University Of Management Higher Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management

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The Higher Certificate programme is designed for young people and junior staff attached to HIV and AIDS programmes in the public, private or NGO sectors. It will help them to understand the programme management principles and employ acquired community sensitisation skills to implement and monitor their HIV and AIDS programmes effectively and efficiently in a professional manner.

Programme Outcomes

On successful completion of the Higher Certificate in HIV and AIDS Management, the candidates should be able to carry out the following duties in this management field:

  • Serving as Community Educators, Programme Assistants for the HIV and AIDS Management affairs in the government establishments, corporate sector and national/ international NGOs
  • Organising HIV and AIDS Programme management workshops, seminars and training Programmes for communities and workplaces
  • Mobilising communities for voluntary testing and counselling.
  • Organising Home-based Care, support and treatment literacy programmes for people living with HIV and AIDS and their families.

Objectives (Purpose)

  • To arm candidates with necessary theoretical background and operational skills to obtain the planned results from HIV and AIDS Management Programmes in the public, corporate and NGO sector.
  • Knowledge and skills to carry out and assist in HIV and AIDS Programmes.
  • To provide necessary knowledge and skills in community awareness raising, counselling, testing, care and support Programmes focusing on people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.
  • To fill the country’s prevailing human resources gap in the public and private sector to strengthen and implement the National HIV and AIDS policy and Strategic Plan

Course Outline

Higher Certificate (120 Credits)
IT Literacy & Communication Skills
Psychological Counselling II
Community-based Care and Support II
Networking & Partnerships
Health Education II
Project Management
Research Methodology

International University Of Management IUM Namibia Admissions