IUM Namibia Higher Certificate in Small Business Management Course

IUM Namibia Higher Certificate in Small Business Management Course

International University Of Management Higher Certificate in Small Business Management Course

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To develop young entrepreneurs to spearhead business development in Namibia and the region. The course is designed to develop young Namibians to become wealth creators thereby creating sustained growth of the economy. The course will particularly target young people wishing to start their own businesses on completion of the course. The course intends to transform thinking among the youth from being an employee to being an employer.
The course prepares students for a role that will facilitate the achievement of the goals of Vision 2030.
The course will enable graduates to advance to the Higher Diploma in Small Business Management or to start their own businesses.

Programme Outcomes

By the time the graduate finishes the Higher Certificate in Small Business Management, he/she will be equipped with knowledge and entrepreneurial skills to start their own businesses and to effectively manage the business.

Objectives (Purpose)

  • Recognise the prerequisites for starting a business and organisational behaviour at each stage of development
  • Appraise the economic context in which businesses operate
  • To understand the importance of marketing and marketing communications in business
  • Illustrate the role of finance in small business development and the need for effective financial accounting and financial management.
  • Discuss the role of government in managing tourism resources.
  • To give students the theory and practice of administration and accounting systems in travel tourism and hospitality

Course Outline

Higher Certificate (120 Credits)
Accounting II
Marketing for SMEs
Quantitative Methods II
Organisational Behaviour
Business Communication II
HR Management
Management Accountancy
Select one subject from the following:
Business Law
Systems Analysis

International University Of Management IUM Namibia Admissions

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