IUM Namibia Higher Diploma in Finance Management Course

IUM Namibia Higher Diploma in Finance Management Course

International University Of Management Higher Diploma in Finance Management Course

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The course is designed to give students thorough grounding in Financial Management skills. It is designed to build up the students’ knowledge of the complicated corporate, economic, marketing, social and legal framework in which businesses operate.

Programme Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to contribute effectively to organisational development and organisational change through their acquired leadership financial skills.

Objectives (Purpose)

  • A deeper understanding of finance management in business organisations in the context of the overall corporate strategy.
  • Simulate the principles of management organisation and its effect on business organisation at the local and international level.
  • To appreciate information management systems and their use in financial management
  • Use appropriate systems to enhance business dealings within the context of the law.

Course Outline

Higher Diploma (120 Credits)
Entrepreneurial Studies and Leadership
International Business
Corporate Strategy
Management Organisation
Select two subjects from the following:
Strategic Marketing
Information Management
Corporate Finance
Strategic HR Management

International University Of Management IUM Namibia Admissions

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