IUM Namibia Higher Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management Course

IUM Namibia Higher Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management Course

International University Of Management Higher Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management Course

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The Higher Diploma Programme is designed to enable young people and staff to qualify as the middle management level personnel for the HIV and AIDS programmes in the public, private or NGO sectors. It provides theoretical and practical knowledge to manage HIV and AIDS programme at various levels – community, workplace and national. Moreover, employees backed with this qualification and approximately five years experience will be suitable for management level positions in HIV and AIDS programmes and projects.

Programme Outcomes

  • The higher diploma holders are backed by theoretical, practical and programming skills and are in a strong position to plan and implement HIV and AIDS projects and programmes in the public, corporate and NGO sector.
  • They are capable of implementing HIV and AIDS programmes in the government/private sectors and monitor their progress. Moreover, they are in a good position to conduct Training programmes at community regional and national level.
  • These higher diploma holders will fill the country’s prevailing human resources gap in the public and private sector to strengthen and implement the National HIV and AIDS policy and Strategic Plan and support 2030 programme components relating to HIV and AIDS

Objectives (Purpose)

  • To provide our Higher Diploma Holders with theoretical background and operational strategies to achieve the objectives of HIV and AIDS Management Programmes in the public, corporate and NGO sector. Knowledge and skills to carry out and assist in HIV and AIDS programmes.
  • To provide necessary knowledge and skills. To introduce results based awareness raising, counselling, testing, care and support programmes for workplace and for communities to reverse HIV infections and mitigate the impact of AIDS
  • To fill the country’s middle management level human resources gap in the public and private sector, to strengthen and implement the National HIV and AIDS policy, Strategic Plan (e.g. Namibia MTP-2004-2009) and national socio-economic agendas.

Course Outline

Higher Diploma (120 Credits)
HIV and AIDS Studies III
Health Education III
Ethics (Moral Philosophy)
Psychological Counselling III

International University Of Management IUM Namibia Admissions


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