John Templeton Foundation Grants

John Templeton Foundation Grants.

John Templeton Foundation Grants

Applications are now open for the John Templeton Foundation Grant Program.

The John Templeton Foundation serves as a philanthropic catalyst for discoveries relating to the deepest and most perplexing questions facing humankind.

They support research on subjects ranging from complexity, evolution, and emergence to creativity, forgiveness, and free will.

The Foundation encourages civil, informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, and theologians, as well as between such experts and the public at large. In all cases, the goal is the same: to spur curiosity and accelerate discovery.

Funding Information


  • Small Grants are defined as requests for $234,800 (USD) or less. The threshold for small grants was established by the Foundation’s Charter and is adjusted periodically for inflation.
  • Large Grants are defined as requests for more than $234,800 (USD). The threshold for large grants was established by the Foundation’s Charter and is adjusted periodically for inflation.The Foundation will accept applications only in the following six areas:

    Exceptional Cognitive Talent and Genius: The Exceptional Cognitive Talent & Genius Funding Area supports programs that aim to recognize and nurture exceptional cognitive talent, especially for those at an early stage of life. This Funding Area also supports research concerning the nature of cognitive genius, including extraordinary creativity, curiosity, and imagination.

    Genetics: The Genetics Funding Area seeks to advance genetics research by supporting novel approaches and contrarian projects, especially research that is undervalued by traditional funding sources.

    In addition to basic and translational research, this Funding Area supports educational programs that increase public awareness concerning the ways in which genetics-related research and its applications can advance human flourishing at the individual, familial, and societal levels.

    Individual Freedom and Free Markets: The Individual Freedom & Free Markets Funding Area supports education, research, and grassroots efforts to promote individual freedom, free markets, free competition, and entrepreneurship. Grounded in the ideas of classical liberal political economy, they seek and develop projects that focus on individuals and their place in a free society.

    Whether by academic research, instruction, public outreach, or supporting debate on public policy, they aim to contribute toward making the nation and the world more just, more prosperous, and more conducive to human flourishing.

    Math and Physical Sciences: Mathematical and Physical Sciences program is accepting Open Funding Inquiries regarding grants of less than $230,000 that would address the following goals (or a subset thereof) in creative ways.

    Advancing the conceptual frontiers of physics (currently they have a particular interest in theoretical and experimental work on many-body quantum systems); Situating scientific research within a broader interdisciplinary inquiry into human thought and culture; Cultivating dynamic and demographically diverse collaborations involving multiple teams, disciplines, or institutions; Providing career continuity for young scholars (students, postdocs, and faculty members) whose physics-related research has been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Programs in Islam: The Foundation invites Open Funding Inquiries from interdisciplinary teams looking to investigate how Islamic beliefs and cultural mindsets might frame current debates about science, technology, and society. They particularly seek teams inclusive of scholars based in the Muslim-majority world.

    Programs in Latin America: How do the insights of scholars and religious leaders beyond the Global North and West inform the understanding of profound concerns at the intersection of science, philosophy, and spirituality? And how can such voices be brought into the conversation?

    Over the next five years they intend to focus grantmaking efforts on the following areas:


  • Providing Latin American scholars in philosophy, theology, and social science with access to the latest scholarly resources in Science & the Big Questions
  • Supporting visiting fellowship programs for LATAM-North Atlantic scholar exchanges
  • Funding training programs for scholars to gain exposure to the latest research in philosophy, theology, and social scienceApplications Accepted All Year Round!


    For more information and application details, see; John Templeton Foundation Grants

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