Kabale University School of Business Academic Regulations

Kabale University School of Business Academic Regulations


For more information contact:
The Academic Registrar’s Office or the Examination Office
Kabale University, P.O. Box 317
Tel: (+256) 782 860259,
E-mail: admissions@kabaleuniversity.ac.ug , info@kabaleuniversity.ac.ug

1. The Senate reserves the right to alter, replace or cancel any of the Academic Regulations and shall be the final authority for the interpretation of these regulations.
2. The Senate has the power to exempt any student from any of the Academic Regulations.
3. Ignorance of the Academic Regulations is no excuse.
4. These regulations comply with National Council for Higher Education guidelines.
I. The Following Constitute the Admission Procedure
1. Programmes on offer shall be advertised by the Academic Registrar before the opening date for the semester and/or academic year.
2. Applicants shall always be provided with a copy of the fees structure (an outline of the academic programmes offered with respective admission and fees requirements) so that they select programmes of their choice.
3. An applicant shall pay an application fee which shall be determined from time to time,after which (upon presentation of a valid receipt from the University Finance Office) he/she shall receive and complete an application form.
4. The Admissions Office shall receive applications supported by relevant documents, present them to the Admissions Committee for selection and issue admission letters to the successful applicants.
5. The admission letter shall state the applicant’s name, programme of study, date of reporting, all registration requirements and the award to attain at completion of the programme.
6. Normally, all applicants shall have submitted applications and received admission letters by the date of commencement of the semester and/or academic year.
7. Late applications shall be received, but such applications and respective admissions shall not carry on beyond a period of thirty (30) days from the commencement date of the semester and/or academic year.
II. Change of Programme of Study
1. ONLY a newly admitted student is at liberty to change to another programme of study provided he/she fulfils admission requirements for the programme to change to.
2. A new student who wishes to change to another programme of study shall complete a programme transfer/change form that shall be availed to him/her by the Registration Office. The programme change form shall not be complete until it has been endorsed by the releasing Head of Department, the receiving Head of Department and the Academic Registrar.
3. Any programme change shall be subject to the scrutiny of the Admissions Committee before it is finally approved as acceptable for registration.
4. No programme change shall be acceptable after thirty (30) days from the commencement date of the semester and/or academic year.
5. Any student who may find it inevitable to change the programme of study after the stated duration of thirty (30) days shall have to re-apply and get admitted (in the following intake) as a new applicant.
III. Applicants from Countries where English is not Exclusively the Sole Language of Instruction in Schools
1. Before admission, such applicants shall be subjected to an entry English Language Proficiency (ELP) Test.
2. The entry test shall be set and administered by the English Language Department.
3. The applicants shall pay a fee (for the test) which may be determined from time to time.
4. The pass mark in the entry test shall normally be fifty per cent (50%), or as it may be decided by the University Senate from time to time.
5. Only those applicants whose score shall be at least the mark recommended by the Senate shall be admitted to mainstream programmes of study.
6. The applicants whose entry test score shall be below a mark recommended by the Senate shall be admitted to an intensive six-month English Language Proficiency Programme of study. It shall be after exhibiting adequate proficiency in English language that such applicants shall be admitted to mainstream study programmes.
7. The test shall be administered to both undergraduate and graduate applicants.
IV. Minimum Admission Requirements
1. Master’s Degree Programmes
a. At least a Second Class (Lower) First Degree from a recognised university/institution
b. Lower qualifications may be considered upon presentation of evidence of academic growth.
c. M.A.Ed (Mgt) requires a First Degree in Education or a Postgraduate Diploma in Education
2. Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
a. At least a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised university/institution
b. A Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Management – PGD.Ed (Mgt) – requires a First Degree in Education or a Postgraduate Diploma in Education.
c. A Postgraduate Diploma in Education requires a First Degree with two teaching subjects offered in secondary schools in Uganda or as may be applicable in an applicant’s respective country.
3. Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
a. At least two principal passes (obtained at one sitting) in a relevant combination at ALevel (Advanced Secondary/High School Level Examinations administered by a recognised National Examinations Board/Council)
b. B.A/B.Sc with Education requires at least two principal passes (obtained at one sitting) in two teaching subjects.
c. A relevant undergraduate diploma obtained from a recognised university/institution.
4. Conditions of a one-year waiver on the basis of a Diploma Entry
a. Applicants may be admitted to a bachelor’s degree programme upon presentation of a relevant undergraduate diploma of at least Second Class (Lower) obtained from a recognised institution. Such students may be exempted from the first year of study.
b. Such waiver shall be subject to the discretion of the Admissions Committee and the respective department.
c. Lower qualifications can be considered with evidence of academic growth.
5. Undergraduate Diploma Programmes
a. At least one principal pass and two subsidiary passes (obtained at one sitting) in a relevant A-Level combination
b. Diploma in Education (Secondary) requires at least two principal passes (obtained at one sitting) in two teaching subjects
c. At least a certificate in a related discipline from a recognised Institution
6. Admission requirements for Certificate Programmes
a. At least three (3) passes obtained at one sitting at O’Level or its equivalent
1. Neither new nor continuing students shall be entitled to any university service unless they are duly registered with Kabale University. All students must register within thirty (30) days from the commencement of the semester and/or academic year. The students who shall have failed to register by the end of the thirty days shall be required to pay a late registration fee which may be determined from time to time.
2. At registration, new students must present the following:
a. Original Admission Letter
b. Original academic documents relating to levels of education already attained
c. Identity cards issued by previous schools/colleges/institutions attended
d. A valid receipt issued by the University Finance Office indicative of having paid atleast the Senate approved minimum amount of the total fees to be paid for the entry semester
3. No new student shall be registered until his/her academic papers have been scrutinised and authenticated by the Registration Office.
4. Continuing students must renew their registration once a year for the subsequent academic years. At registration, each continuing student must present the following:
a. The registration card and/or identity card for the previous academic year, which shall be photocopied and attached to the registration form
b. A valid receipt issued by the University Finance Office indicative of having paid a Senate approved percentage of the total fees to be paid for the first semester
5. Every student shall always register with the intake during which he/she was admitted.
D. STUDENT IDENTITY CARD (and other university Identification documents)
1. Each duly registered student must have a valid student identity card issued by the Academic Registrar.
2. A student, who loses his /her university identification documents, must report the loss to the issuing office and the police.
3. The Academic Registrar or any other authorised office shall issue (a) new identification document(s) after appropriate charges have been paid by the student.
1. Attendance of lectures, tutorials, seminars, practicals, fieldtrips, fieldwork, tests, examinations and such scheduled courses of instruction, audited courses inclusive, is compulsory.
2. Non-attendance due to illness or other good cause must be reported to the Head of Department through the Lecturer.
To encourage students to acquire a wide range of knowledge:
1. A student is at liberty to take an extra (audited) course unit. Any student who is desirous of taking an ACU in any academic department of the University shall apply for it through his/her Department.
2. A student shall not take more than one (1) ACU in any given Semester, and the total of audited course units shall not exceed three (3) in the entire academic programme duration.
3. It shall be at the student’s discretion to write, or not to write, an examination in an audited course unit. In the event of a student failing an ACU, it shall be at his/her discretion to retake it.
4. Audited course units taken and passed by a student shall be written on his/her Academic Transcript and be indicated as Audited Course Units (ACU), but they shall not contribute to the calculation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
5. Regular students shall not pay for an audited course unit providing the course is taken in the semester when it is on offer to other students. Occasional students shall pay for every ACU. A regular student shall pay for an ACU ONLY when he/she chooses to retake it or when the University is to issue a special certificate for it.
1. Normally, all academic-related grievances shall be reported to the relevant Head of Department.
2. If the Head of Department deems it impossible for him/her to settle the grievance, he/she shall forward the case(s) to the relevant Faculty Dean who may in turn where necessary forward the case(s) to the Academic Registrar. Any such grievance that reaches the Academic Registrar’s Office may be forwarded to the University Senate for consideration.
I. Eligibility to Sit for Examinations
1. There shall be formal examinations at the end of each semester.
2. A student must be duly registered with Kabale University for him/her to be permitted to take/write examinations.
3. A student must have attended at least seventy-five per cent (75%) of all lectures in order to be allowed to sit for any examination, unless the student shows acceptable evidence
of extenuating circumstances.
4. A student shall have submitted coursework and received feedback from respective lecturers before examinations begin. Any student who fails to submit coursework assignments in respect of the deadlines set by his/her department and/or faculty shall not sit for examinations, unless prior acceptable explanation had been submitted to the course lecturer and/or coordinator, and/or head of department.
5. Any student who fails to pay, in full, tuition fees and other expenses by the set deadlines of the semester shall be denied access to all university services, sitting examinations inclusive.
6. No student shall be allowed to take or retake examinations unless he/she pays all respective university dues before examinations begin. Any examination taken or retaken without complete payment of fees shall be invalid and therefore the results shall be cancelled.
7. Under extenuating circumstances, a student, who has paid 75% of the total tuition and other expenses, may be allowed to sit for 50% of the examinations for the respective semester.
8. Examination cards indicating the course units registered for by the student with respective examination numbers shall be issued by the Examinations Office before the commencement of examinations.
II. Entry into an Examination Room
1. Every examination room shall be checked thoroughly for any unauthorised material before candidates are allowed in.
2. No candidate shall be allowed to enter an examination room unless he/she is told to so by the invigilator(s) assigned to the examination room.
3. For security and integrity of examinations, places of convenience and any other place in the vicinity of examination rooms shall, during the duration of examinations, be considered part of the examination rooms. No notes, or any other unauthorized material, shall be left in such places before or during examinations. It is an offence to utilise and leave any reading materials in such places.
4. Candidates shall be required to produce a valid identity and/or registration card, and an examination authorisation card or clearance from the university finance office before they are permitted to sit for examinations.
5. Candidates shall also be checked for every unauthorised material before admission into an examination room. Books, notes, bags, cellular phones, briefcases, handbags, calculator covers, noisy and programmable calculators, minicomputers, pullovers (jackets, coats, sweaters, veils and scarves), plus any other item that may be deemed as unnecessary or unwanted in the examination room, shall be considered as unauthorized material.
6. Candidates shall be admitted into the examination room not more than twenty (20) minutes before the start of each examination session.
7. Candidates who arrive late shall not be allowed extra time to complete their examination.
8. Candidates who are more than thirty (30) minutes late without a valid reason caused by mitigating circumstances shall not be admitted into the examination room. Such candidates shall be considered as having missed writing that examination paper and shall therefore take/write it when it is next offered.
9. Candidates must observe silence on entry and whilst in the examination room.
III. Arrangement in the Examination Room
1. On entry, candidates should take the sitting arrangements as deemed appropriate by the invigilator(s) assigned to the examination room.
2. Candidates shall be required to produce their identity/registration card and examination card, and place them on their desks for inspection by the invigilator(s). A candidate who for valid reasons is unable to produce an identity card at the time it is required may be allowed to proceed with the examination. The Chief Invigilator shall report such a candidate to the Academic Registrar on the same day. The candidate must produce authentic identification within the next working day before the Academic Registrar. If a candidate fails to comply with the aforementioned requirement, his/her answer booklet and/or results for that examination paper shall be withheld subject to the discretion of the University Senate.
3. The writing of any examination shall normally commence at either 9:00am or 2:00pm.
4. Candidates shall be given ten (10) minutes’ reading time prior to the scheduled time of commencement.
5. Candidates must not write on question papers during the examination time. Candidates who write notes on their examination papers are liable to disqualification from the examination(s).
6. Candidates who are disabled or suffer from any illness that shall require special sitting arrangement should inform the Examination Officer in advance.
IV. Leaving the Examination Room
Candidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination room during the first hour of the examination session unless they feel unwell subject to crosschecking by the University Medical Personnel.
2. Candidates must also not leave during the last ten (10) minutes of the examination and must remain seated until the examination scripts have been collected and checked by the invigilators.
3. If a candidate has completed the paper before the specified time and wishes to leave, he/she must seek permission from the invigilator, and must leave quietly so as not to disturb other candidates.
4. Permission to leave at any time must be requested from the invigilator.
5. If a candidate falls ill during examination, he/she shall inform the invigilator.
6. Candidates shall be told to stop writing at the end of the examination by the invigilator.They should then remain seated until they have made sure that all the details required on the answer booklet have been completed.
7.It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that all the answer books and supplementary papers are clipped or fastened together.
8. When everything is completed to the candidate’s satisfaction, he/she shall raise his or her hand to call upon the invigilator to collect the answer booklet before he/she can be excused from the examination room.
9. A candidate shall not take any examination material used or unused, out of the examination room other than:
a. The authorized materials he/she brought into the examination room
b. The question paper (if permitted to do so)
V. Examination Malpractices/Misconduct
These shall consist of the following:
1. Taking into the examination room, be in possession of, while in the examination room, any material as specified under G.II.5 or any other unauthorized material
2. The use of any answer book, writing or blotting paper other than that supplied by the invigilator
3. Aiding or attempting to aid, soliciting or attempting to solicit aid from, another candidate directly or indirectly
4. Writing information or possession of written information, regardless of relevance, on any part of a candidate’s body during the examination
5. Consulting or trying to consult, during the examination, any books, electronic gadgets or other materials, or any other person while temporarily outside the examination room
6. Impersonating another candidate or allowing oneself to be impersonated
7. Attempting to sit for an examination using a fraudulent registration card and/or identity card, and/or examination card, and/or receipt alleged to be from the University Finance Office
8. Committing an act of violence, or any form of breach of peace, against a fellow student and/or the invigilator(s)
9. Running away from an examination room with or without examination materials Victoryag
10. Any such behaviour as may, in the view of the invigilator(s), disrupt other candidates or the conduct of the examination process
VI. Handling Examination Misconduct/Malpractices
1. In all cases of misconduct, the Chief Invigilator or his/her alternate, in the presence of another invigilator, shall verbally inform the candidate that he/she has committed an act of misconduct, take possession of all the evidence found with him/her including the answer booklet already used by the candidate, issue an unused answer booklet and permit the candidate to begin writing the examination anew.
2. Any student found cheating when it is less than thirty (30) minutes to the end of the examination session shall not be given a new answer booklet.
3. A candidate who has committed an act of misconduct by infringing the rules shall be required to complete and sign a consent form. At the end of the examination in question, the consent form, the evidence (including the answer booklet that had been already used by the candidate) and the answer book(s) issued after discovering the malpractice shall be bound together and submitted with a written report to the Academic Registrar by the Chief Invigilator.
4. Upon receipt of the written report from the Chief Invigilator, the Academic Registrar shall inform the candidate in writing that his/her conduct shall be reported to Senate and that the decision as to whether his/her work shall be accepted rests with the University Senate.
5. In addition, the Academic Registrar shall present the case with the evidence to Senate Examinations Board who shall where necessary summon the student to face the Senate Examination Malpractice Committee. After hearing the student’s point of view, the committee shall make recommendations, which shall be presented to Senate for a final decision.
VII. Penalty against Examination Malpractice/Misconduct
1. A student who shall be proven guilty of an examination malpractice may have all examination results for the respective semester cancelled and be obliged to repeat the semester and pay full semester fees. Such student shall be required to submit a written apology vowing never to repeat the offence.
2. Senate reserves the right to exclude for one academic year or discontinue any student proven guilty of an examination malpractice depending on the nature of the malpractice.Discontinued students shall cease to be students of Kabale University
3. In the event of exclusion, a student shall at the end of the exclusion period express interest to resume studies by formally writing to the Academic Registrar through his/her Departmental Head and Faculty Dean. Such student shall in addition be required to submit a written apology vowing never to repeat the offence.
4. A student who shall be proven guilty of being in possession of fraudulent examination credentials shall be discontinued from the University.Where there is evidence of aiding one another, as may be discovered by the examiner(s), the results of the examination papers in question for all the concerned candidates shall be cancelled.
6. Evidence of leakage of an examination paper, shall be referred to the Senate Examinations Board. Any University Officer/Staff implicated in leaking an Examination or a test shall be subjected to disciplinary action in accordance with the University Regulations.
7. Any student with any fraudulent examination credentials (as defined in G.VII.2) shall be prosecuted in Courts of Law (in addition to being dismissed).
VIII. Misconduct in Tests
This shall comprise the following:
1. Taking into the test room, or possessing whilst in the room, of such unauthorised materials as stipulated in G.II.5 or any other material which has not been authorized
2. The use of any answer book, writing or blotting paper other than that supplied or permitted by the lecturer
3. Aiding or attempting to obtain aid (directly or indirectly) to commit an act of misconduct
4. Such behaviour as may, in the view of the lecturer, disrupt the conduct o the test
IX. Misconduct in Assignments
This shall comprise the following:
1. Wholesale copying of another person’s work, material, publication, report, assignment, results of an experiment without authorization
2. Taking and using another person’s work or ideas as one’s own without due acknowledgment
X. Procedure for Handling Misconduct in Tests
1. A lecturer who, in the process of administering a test, discovers a student infringing the rules of conduct shall confiscate the script and collect any other evidence that is available. The student shall be allowed to continue with the test on a new answer script.
2. The lecturer shall submit a written statement of the incident within the next working day to the Head of the relevant Department, attaching thereto the confiscated and the new answer booklet as well as any other evidence.
3. The student shall also be required to submit his/her written account of the incident to the Head of Department within the next working day from the time he/she is informed.
4. When the Head of Department receives the student’s written account of the incident, he/she shall convene a special Departmental Board meeting within two (2) weeks to hear
the student and make a recommendation to the Faculty Board, which shall make its own recommendation to Senate for a final decision.
XI. Procedure for Handling Misconduct in Assignments
1. A lecturer who, while marking, discovers an incident of misconduct on the part of a student in an assignment shall make a copy of the assignment. He/she shall further submit a written statement to the Head of Department enclosing therewith the original answer script and other evidence of misconduct.
2. The lecturer shall require the student to give an explanation in writing for his/her misconduct to the Head of Department within one (1) week from the time (which shall be the time of the incident) he/she is informed.
3. The Head of Department shall summon a Special Departmental Board meeting within two (2) weeks of the incident to deliberate and take a decision on the alleged misconduct.
4. In the case of a second offence, the Department Board shall only make a recommendation to the Faculty Board, which shall in turn make its own recommendation to the Senate for a final decision.
XII. Penalties against Misconduct in Tests and Assignments
1. When it is determined that a student has committed the alleged misconduct, he/she shall be awarded a zero mark for the test/assignments.
2. A student who is found guilty of misconduct in any two tests and assignments in the University shall be excluded from the University for one academic year.
XIII. Plagiarism
1. An act of presenting pieces of text from any author’s work(s) or presenting the whole work (book, dissertation, articles, lecture notes and such other written work) as one’s own without recognition of the author shall be considered as plagiarism.
XIV. Procedure for handling plagiarism
1. A research supervisor or internal examiner or external examiner or a member of a defence panel who, while reading or examining a candidate’s or supervisee’s work, discovers an incident of plagiarism in a research work on the part of a student shall make a copy of the work for his/her record.
2. Thereafter, he/she shall submit a written statement clearly detailing the act of plagiarism committed by the candidate or supervisee to the respective Head of Department enclosing therewith the original copy of the research work.
3. The Head of Department shall require the student to submit an explanation in writing for his/her (student’s) plagiaristic misconduct to him/her (the Head of Department) within one (1) week from the time which shall be the time of the incident he/she is informed.
4. The Head of Department shall convene a Special Departmental Board meeting within two (2) weeks of the incident to deliberate and take a decision on the alleged misconduct.
5. The Department Board shall make a recommendation to the Faculty Board, which shall in turn make its own recommendation to the Senate for a final decision.
XV. Penalty against plagiarism
1. A student proven guilty of plagiarism may be excluded from the University for one academic year or discontinued depending on the level plagiarism subject to the discretion of Senate.
2. In the event of exclusion, the student shall express interest to resume studies by formally writing to the Academic Registrar through his/her Departmental Head and Faculty Dean.
Such student shall in addition be required to submit a written apology vowing never to repeat the offence.
XVI. Appeal against Penalties
1. A student who wishes to appeal against a penalty imposed by the Senate for misconduct as stipulated in sections VII, XII and XV shall do so in writing to the University Senate within two weeks of the Senate ruling.
XVII. Guidelines for Remarking Examination Scripts
1. Examination papers and marks/results moderated and marked by an internal examiner and/or an external examiner shall normally not be contested. Only in exceptional cases shall the Senate permit re-marking of an examination script and providing the following are strictly adhered to.
2. If a registered student contests his examination grade in a course of study or subject, the following guidelines shall apply:
a. The student shall submit a request letter to the Academic Registrar within fourteen (14) days after the official date of the release of examination results.
b. The Academic Registrar shall convene a meeting of the respective Faculty Dean and Head of Department to explain to the student (complainant) the procedures undertaken in the marking of the examination script in that course or subject and the relevant regulations applied to reach the student’s final result.
c. If the student/appellant still feels unsatisfied with the explanation given above and insists on the remarking of his/her script, he/she shall write and submit a second request letter to the Academic Registrar within two (2) days of the meeting mentioned above. The second request letter shall be submitted together with a deposit of UGX 200,000= (which may be revised from time to time).
d. After the student/appellant has submitted the second request letter together with the deposit of UGX 200,000=, the Academic Registrar shall inform the internal examiner and/or the external examiner of the course/subject that their marking is being challenged.
e. The Academic Registrar shall ask the Department to identify another competent examiner who shall, after approval by the Senate, be appointed in writing to carry out the remarking of the students’ script(s). The new examiner may be from outside KAB if Senate deems it necessary.
3. The New Examiner shall be provided with the examination question paper, a marking guide, the student’s examination script and a sample of other students’ scripts in that course/subject.
4. The new mark assigned by the New Examiner shall be the final mark to be approved Senate, and thereafter there shall be no further contesting of the grade.
XVIII. Absence from Examination(s) and Special Examinations
1. Special examinations shall be administered ONLY to those students/candidates who shall have missed writing the examination(s) due to good causes. ONLY the following shall be good causes for being absent from the examination(s).
a. The candidate’s own ill-health or illness, which must be backed by evidence from recognized/qualified medical practitioners and/or recognized health facilities. Such evidence must be verified by the University Medical Personnel
b. The candidate’s own maternity/natal ill-health, which must be backed by evidence from recognized/qualified medical practitioners and/or recognized health facilities. Such evidence must be verified by the University Medical Personnel
c. Loss of the candidate’s own member of a nucleus family (offspring, parent/guardian, spouse and sibling), which shall be backed by either a copy of the death certificate or evidence from Local Council authorities
d. Legal detention, backed by evidence
e. Re-scheduling a timetabled examination without informing all the concerned candidates, such changes must be widely communicated to all concerned candidates within not less than a week through the Office of the Academic Registrar
f. Proven wrongful prevention from writing an examination or examinations by one or more invigilators
g. Proven misplacement of one’s coursework/daily assessment and/or examination results/scripts by Kabale University Staff, which shall be subject to the discretion of the Senate
h. Any other justifiable reason subject to the discretion of Senate
2. In case of missing examinations due to illness or any of the above causes, it shall be the candidate’s own responsibility to secure evidence to be sent/submitted to the Academic Registrar.
3. To be counted as relevant, any evidence must relate to the period of examination which shall be two (2) weeks preceding or following the examination(s) in question or both.
4. The candidates should have reported in writing to the Dean of the Faculty, through the Head of Department, the missing of the examination(s) in question within fourteen (14) days after they had been written. It shall be the responsibility of the Office of the Faculty Dean to forward the students’ report or request to the University Senate with a Faculty recommendation.
5. Special exams shall be taken during a regular examination period, or at any time subject to the discretion of the Senate, and the candidates to sit for the examinations must have paid full fees for the semester during which the missed examinations were written.
6. In addition to paying full semester fees, a student to sit for special examinations shall pay a fee to be determined from time to time per examination paper.
7. If a candidate fails to write an examination or examination(s) for no good cause, a special paper or papers shall not be set for him/her and the candidate shall be deemed to have missed the examination(s). Missing an examination due to misreading of the timetable is no excuse. The candidate shall write the examination(s) when next offered and pay a fee (per examination paper) that may be determined from time to time providing he/she did not inform the Senate in writing explaining the circumstances under which he/she missed the examination(s). Exoneration from paying for a missed examination paper shall be subject to the discretion of Senate.
8. Students who shall miss all semester examinations due to failure to pay tuition fees and other charges shall be deemed to have missed the whole semester and therefore shall stay put. This means that such students shall not progress to the following semester or academic year until they have fulfilled requirements for the semester they shall have missed.
9. Students who pay all dues, but miss and/or fail less than fifty per cent (50%) of the examinations taken in a particular semester, shall be allowed to sit for and/or retake the missed and/or failed papers when they are next offered.
10. A student, who has paid less than 75% of the total tuition and all other expenses, should stay put, come back, top up the remaining balance and repeat the entire Semester.
XIX. Progress to the Following Semester/Year
1. No student who fails and/or misses over fifty per cent (50%) of the semester examinations shall be promoted to the next semester and/or academic year.
XX. Pass mark and compensatable passes
1. The pass mark shall be fifty per cent (50%) in every examination paper.
2. Forty-nine per cent (49%) shall be raised to fifty per cent (50%).
3. Under mitigating circumstances subject to the discretion of Senate, forty-eight per cent (48%) may be compensated by deducting four (4) marks from the highest mark of an examination taken within the same examination period/session.
4. In the event of a student failing with a forty-seven per cent (47%) an examination retaken a second time, such mark may be compensated as may be decided by Senate.
XXI. Supplementary examinations
1. In the event of a finalist student being prevented to graduate by a failed examination paper which he/she has not had a chance to retake, the Senate may permit him/her the privilege to sit for (a) supplementary examination(s) so as to enable such a student to graduate.
2. Senate shall determine the lowest mark below which a student may not qualify for a supplementary examination.
3. The highest mark to be scored in a supplementary examination shall be fifty per cent (50%), and it shall be indicated on the academic transcript as a supplementary mark.
4. A student who takes a supplementary examination shall pay a fee equivalent to a retake fee.
XXII. Retaking (an) Examination(s)
1. Any examination in which a candidate scores less than the stipulated pass mark shall be retaken, and a fee (which shall be determined from time to time) shall be paid for each paper retaken.
2. No candidate shall retake an examination paper more than two (2) times.
3. Failure to score a pass mark in an examination being retaken a second time may lead to discontinuation, or as may be decided by the Senate.
XXIII. Duties of the Invigilator(s)
1. Examination Invigilators, or any other member of staff including those to administer tests, shall:
a. Arrive at the examination/test venues (rooms) thirty (30) minutes before the time of examination/test commencement;
b. Check for any unauthorized material that might be in the examination/test room;
c. Determine a seating arrangement that shall deter malpractice in the examination/test;
d. Verify candidates’ eligibility to take examinations/tests before admitting them into the examination room;
e. Supply examination materials (answer books, examination papers, graph papers, and any other authorised material): no student shall be involved in this exercise;
f. Ensure that candidates sign their examination/test attendance: for examinations, this exercise shall begin after an hour from the time of commencement of the examination while for tests the signing procedure may be determined by the concerned lecturer(s);
g. Ensure that whoever has signed attendance submits his/her examination/test answer script;
h. Ensure that no candidate smuggles an answer book, whether used or not, out of the examination room;
i. Ensure that answer books are inserted into their respective examination/test parcels;
j. Ensure that parcels containing answer books are returned to the examination office, or taken by the relevant lecturer(s); and
k. Ensure that no academic regulation is infringed upon. Failure to perform this duty may be considered as part of examination malpractice committed by the invigilator(s)/lecturer(s).
2. Invigilators and lecturers, or any member of staff, shall not:
a. Leak examinations/tests;
b. Typeset, print and produce copies of examinations/tests in a place/office other than THAT authorised by the university;
c. Receive and/or mark examination answer books or test scripts written outside the examination room and/or delivered after the overall collection of the other candidates’ answer books or test scripts;
d. Permit or aid a candidate (or an impostor/alternate acting on his/her behalf) to cheat an examination/test and/or write an examination/test he/she is not entitled to;and
e. Prevent a candidate from writing an examination/test he/she is entitled to.
1. The number of years a student shall spend on an academic programme is as follows:
a. For a one-year programme, the duration shall not exceed three academic years.
b. For a two-year programme, the duration shall not exceed four academic years.
c. For a three-year programme, the duration shall not exceed five academic years.
d. For a four-year programme, the duration shall not exceed six academic years.
e. For a five-year programme, the duration shall not exceed seven academic years.
2. The duration may be extended for students who shall have applied for and been permitted a dead year or a study suspension, but no student shall be permitted to halt studies for more than the maximum number of years assigned to a programme.
3. Any student, who shall extend the duration of study suspension to more than the relevant duration stipulated in XXIV.1.a-e above, or beyond the duration permitted him/her by the University Senate, shall be considered to have absconded unless he/she presents evidence of extenuating circumstances. Any absconder who shall wish to return for studies shall have to apply and get admitted as a new student.
4. A student who fails to complete his/her course of study within the normal duration assigned to an academic programme and is wishful of extending the study period into the two (2) extra years provided for in XXIV.1.a-e above shall apply in writing to the Academic Registrar for an extension.
5. A student desirous of utilising an extension to get rid of failed/retake and/or missed examination papers, he/she shall not pay full semester fees.
6. If an extension applied for is equal to or more than a semester during which the course units to be taken are not retakes or missed examination papers which make up less than full semester load, a student shall pay all dues for the semester.
7. If the extension is equal to a year or years, a student shall renew his/her registration for every additional year and pay full university dues.
1. For any student to be considered to have completed his/her programme of study, and therefore eligible for graduation, he/she should have fulfilled minimum academic requirements and cleared with such offices as may be stipulated on the finalist clearance form. The finalist clearance form shall be collected from the Office of the Dean of Students.
2. Minimum academic requirements shall be proof of completion of One hundred per cent (100%) of the total credits stipulated in the relevant designed and accredited academic programme. The proof shall be a complete result certification form from the relevant department and faculty. The Audited Course Units shall not be part of the 100%.
3. A result certification form shall be completed for each finalist as follows:
a. The finalist shall collect the form from the office of the relevant Head of Department.
b. The finalist shall crosscheck to confirm whether, or not, all course papers that were offered and examined are written on the form.
c. The Head of Department, not the student (finalist), shall complete the form by filling in names of the missing course papers (where necessary) and the marks for each course paper in which the finalist was examined.
d. After it has been signed by the finalist, the Head of Department and the Faculty Dean, the complete result certification form shall be forwarded to the Office of the Academic Registrar (Examination Office) for final authentication and preparation of academic papers.
4. The finalist shall in addition clear with the offices of the Custodian, Warden, Librarian, Dean of Students, Head of Department, Faculty Dean, Director of Finance, Registration Office and such office that may be indicated on the Finalist Clearance Form.

Get a copy of up to date General Academic Regulations here-download

Ignorance of these regulations is no excuse.

The Rev. Canon J.E. Karibwije

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