Kabojja International School

Kabojja International School

Kabojja International School is a private co-educational school offering a British curriculum IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and GCE (General Certificate of Education). It is both a Day and Boarding School.

Kabojja International School comprises of a Junior High school and Senior School

Junior School

1: Terminologies used in the curriculum.

  • Kindergarten:  The beginners’ class. (Age group is (3 years).
  • Reception class:   This is the class after the Kindergarten.  The age group is
    (4-5) years old.
  • Year 1:  This is the Primary one, the age group for this class is (5 – 6) years old.
  • Year 2: This is Primary two, the age group is (6-7) years old.
    • Year 1 and year2 belong to Key stage 1 of the British Education system..
      Year 3: Primary three, the age group is (7 – 8) years old.
      Year 4:  Primary four, the age group is (8 – 9) years old.
      Year 5: Primary five the age group is (9 – 10) years old.
      Year 6:  Primary six, the age bracket is (10 – 11) years old.
      Primary (3 – 6) is key stage 2 of the British Education system.

2: Schedules:

The school will provide each Parent / Learner with a class timetable. This timetable will be showing clearly the time for P.E., swimming classes, library classes etc.

3: Uniforms:

The school will provide you with two sets of school uniforms a part from sports kits where you will receive one pair. Stockings and shoes are not provided by the school. You are advised to have at least two sets of the physical Education Kit, the prices are available. You can arrange with Accounts to have a second pair. The school does not provide a swimming costume, so you can buy an appropriate costume for your son or daughter.

Book Bags:

The school will not provide school bags but will advise you the type of bag to buy. Learners are advised to be careful with their items by using these bags for safe custody.

Daily Classes:

The school will begin classes at exactly 8:10 am and end the classes by 3:00 pm. from Monday to Friday. However, Reception class, year 1 and year 2 classes will always end their classes by 1:00 pm. Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 will always finish their classes by 3:00 pm.


Meals will be provided at school they will include tea and a hot snack break. Lunch will also be provided. In case of an interest in packing a snack for your child let us know of it to check the healthy standards. The menu for lunch will be provided to parents. It will be rotational but meals with pork will not be provided. Parents are to provide information concerning meals in the forms provided.


  • Junior School Application Form
  • Junior School Admission Letter
  • Junior Information
  • Junior Authorization Form
  • Junior Classes
  • Junior School Rules
  • Obligations to Parents
  • Medical Information Form
  • Transport Requirements

Fees Structure For The Junior School

Term Fees in U.S. Dollars

Classes Time Admission Tuition Fees Uniform Meals
(for day scholars)
(for day scholars)
Medical Resource Total
Kindergarten Kindergarten ( Transport ) 8 am  – 12:30 pm $200 (once) $815 $100 $150 $400 $50 $50 $1,365$1,765
ReceptionReception ( Transport ) 8 am  – 12:30 pm $200 (once) $1015 $100 $150 $400 $50 $50 $1,565$1,965
Year 1 & 2Year 1 & 2 ( Transport ) 8 am  – 2:15  pm $200 (once) $1,215 $120 $200 $400 $50 $50 $1,835$2,235
Year 3 & 6Year 3 & 6 ( Transport )        8 am  – 3:15 pm                8 am – 3:15 pm $200 (once)$200 $1,390$1,390 $120$120 $200$200 $400 $50$50 $50$50 $2.010$2.410

Senior School

The school provides an International “UK“ Cambridge curriculum with classes in lower Secondary (Year 7, 8 & 9), middle Secondary (Year 10 &11) and upper Secondary (Years 12  and 13).

The upper Secondary School is done with a Cambridge International Diplomas and Cambridge Pre- University (Cambridge Pre- U)
As a measure of students performance on international level, the school enables students in year 9 to do check point Examinations from Cambridge University.  The check point tests are available in English, Mathematics and Science. The tests cover all major areas of learning required in the first years of an international secondary Education.

The middle Secondary  do their final IGCSE/GCE examinations in Year 11. This is done after successive preparations and internal assessments with careful monitoring of the progress and giving feed back to parents.

The Upper Secondary (Advanced Levels, Advanced Subsidiary level (AS), AICE Diploma, “Cambridge Pre- University are offered with our main sitting in May/June session but with a provision of November / December.

A learner in a lower secondary offer a number of subjects which introduces him/her to the main curriculum content of the middle secondary.
These subjects include;

  1. Mathematics
  2. English language
  3. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  4. ICT (Information Communication & Technology)
  5. History
  6. PESH
  7. Geography
  8. Literature in English
  9. Music
  10. Physical Education
  11. Art and design
  12. Religious Education
  13. Foreign Languages (French, Swahili and Arabic)

A learner is helped to attain a good background in the basic curriculum. After achieving a relatively sound foundation, teachers guide the learners in Year 9 to select suitable subjects for IGCSE  Year 10

The middle Secondary (Year 10, Year 11)
Learners in this level normally take eight subjects chosen from the following;

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. History
  5. Geography
  6. English Language
  7. Literature
  8. Mathematics
  9. Accounting

8. Information Technology
9. Languages (French, Swahilli and Arabic)
10. Economics
11. Business Studies
11. Sociology


  • GCE AS-A2 Admission Letter
  • IGCSE Admission Letter Year 7 – 9
  • IGCSE Admission Letter Year 10 – 11
  • IGCSE Application Form
  • International – School Rules
  • New Boarding Requirements
  • Obligations to Parents
  • Transport Requirements
  • Payment Method

Fees Structure For The Senior School

Registration US Dollars
Paid once on start
(To secure an offered place)Admission fees
$ 200
Term Tuition fees
 IGCSE O’ level (year 7 – year 9)IGCSE (Year 10 – 11) $ 1,530                                                                              $ 1,580
A level (AS & A2)   GCE Science – AS/A2(year 12 – year 13) $ 1,710
GCE Arts – AS/A2(year 12 – year 13) $1,665
Resource development fee $ 200
Boarding Fees $ 700
Transport fee (Non Resident Learners) $ 400
Uniforms fees $ 150
Medical $ 50
Day Scholar’s Lunch Charges $ 250


Bank slips are issued at the end of each term. Basic fees and other predictable costs are charged in advance for the following term. Invoice can be raised in Uganda shillings UG-SH or USD $. Please contact the accounts section for details.

The bank slip amount is to be paid fully by the date shown in the statement – that is before the fist day of the following term, direct to the school accountant. Direct bank deposit or via bank to bank transfer (T.T) to the school account.

Also note;

  • The school will do its best to hold the fees at the same level for the whole academic year, however should the economic situations deteriorate, the school reserves the right to raise the fees on termly basis.
  • Charges form the bank for financial transactions (Telegraphic Transfer, Banker’s Draft) and dishonored (bounced) cheques, will be added to the parent/Guardian’s account. Bounced cheques will attract an additional $100 fee.
  • The school is prepared to accept payment in other currencies at the rate of exchange pertaining with the school’s Banker on the day the funds are credited to the school’s account.
  • Interest of 5% will be added to any outstanding balances beginning one week after fees become due and at monthly interval thereafter.

Contact details

Kabojja International School.

Address: P.O.Box 24163,
Kampala Uganda

Tel: +256 393110772

  • Tel line: (+256) 393110775
  • Tel line: (+256) 393110772
  • Email: info@kabojjainternational.com
  • Fax: (+256) 393110775

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