Kyambogo University Enrollment

Kyambogo University Enrollment

Below is the Enrollment Scheme Of Kyambogo University KYU

Enrollment is a very important function, which shows a notice of intent of a student to become an active member of the university.

  1. Enrollment is a mandatory planning function for all student of the university and is free of charge.
  2. Students should enroll EVERY SEMESTER and two (2) weeks before the commencement of the a new semester and shall not exceed two weeks of the start of the new semester;
  3.  Any students who has not enrolled for a programme shall be deemed to have absconded from the programme
  4. Enrollment is a self-service process and can be done online anywhere and anytime. Make use of the computer labs and available wireless internet spots at the University. Students with laptops/smart phones can use it to enroll.
  5. To enroll, use the link:, enter your student number and password and click ENROLL and flow the steps.

NB: Students shall enroll for courses/subjects in adherence to credit units stipulated in the course programme. To enroll for retakes or after withdrawal, or any related enrollment problem, students are encouraged to seek help from the office of the Academic Register or ICT Unit. 

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