Master Scholarships for Crossways in Cultural Narratives

Master Scholarships for Crossways in Cultural Narratives

Master Scholarships for Crossways in Cultural Narratives; Selected and supported by the European Commission, the Masters Programme Crossways in Cultural Narratives offers an eclectic integrated programme feeding on successful programmes run locally in the European universities of the Consortium.

The Masters programme is accessible to both European and non-European students, and offers EU scholarships, mobility allowances and other advantages.

The Crossways in Cultural Narratives Master students follow a mobile study itinerary over 2 years.

They study in 2 or 3 European universities chosen from among the ten making up the Crossways Consortium.

The Final Crossways Master Degree takes the form of a multiple degree, which meansone

  1. Diploma Supplement issued by the coordinating university and listing all your academic achievements during the programme in accordance with the Bologna standards
  2. Three fully-recognized “national” Master degree certificates issued by the universities where you have studied (as associate members, UNER and UIA deliver certificates of study, but not degrees)
  3. A Crossways parchment.

Among other boundaries crossed: those of subject discipline. This programme draws on insights, perspectives and methods borrowed from: literature, literary and film criticism, history, linguistics, semiotics, cultural studies, media studies, critical theory, philosophy.

Generating knowledge, understanding, transferable skills

So as to provide future managers with top-class methodological and communicative skills, and with the knowledge and insight required in people who are to play key roles in, for instance, international exchanges, national administrations, parliamentary research, large media groups

To provide doctoral researchers and managers alike with an inventive flexibility of mind by promoting teamwork and teaching practices which exceed national particularities; and to confer the critical acumen, the multi-track thinking, the innovative propensity required to deal with a rapidly evolving world

To promote fruitful networking between different areas of knowledge, research, and discovery in the study-fields related to European cultural identities and its different homogenous and heterogeneous aspects over the centuries. This experimental aspect is the key element in the establishment of a free circulation of ideas benefiting students and researchers alike.

The Master’s programme is open to students who have:

  • Successfully completed an undergraduate degree in the field of Arts, Languages or Social Sciences; particularly a Modern Languages Degree (e.g. language, literature, thought and cultural studies programmes of a high, specialised level relating to one or more of the following: Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain – or Europe as a whole)
  • Have an attested level of First Class or 2:1 Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree (or equivalent)
  • Are among the top 5-10 students of their year
  • Aossess a near-native, degree-level command of TWO of the following European Languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, and Spanish – together with a basic knowledge of, or a willingness to acquire, a THIRD European language.ScholarshipsEU scholarships are available to both European and non-European students and scholars.

Master Scholarships for Crossways in Cultural Narratives – Scholarships Available 

Contribution to travel, installation, visa related costs and any other type of costs€ 8 000 for courses longer than one year (4000€/year)

II Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage)€ 3500 / semester (7000€/year)

III Monthly allowance€ 1000 / month

Careers envisaged by currently enrolled students:

  • Cultural dimension of marketing strategies
  • Cultural managementHigher and Further Education
  • Parliamentary Research
  • Professional criticism
  • Specialised journalismStrategic planning

For more scholarship details and application contacts. Master Scholarships for Crossways in Cultural Narratives